Blogger's To Do List
Time is free, but its priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. (Harvey MacKay)
I keep my Filofax, journal and russel+hazel sticky notepad close by.
When ideas, questions and thoughts crop up, I write them down in one of these three places. A few weeks ago I wrote out three pages of blog post prompts. Over the past few months I've brainstormed ways to fall back in love with blogging and being online. My ideas have overpowered my ambition, but I have a plan to work through this challenge.
Remember how I told you that June was going to be a banner month? Well, it is. I've reconnected with some people who truly matter. I've developed action plans. I am here and I am beginning to do the work.
This list of to do's has rolled around, taken root and demanded action. I believe that exploring/completing the following items will help me connect, grow and expand. Have you had a similar experience with a to do list growing in your heart? Are you taking action?
- Prepare for a summer collaborative project.
- Add Links List to side bar. Include blogs I love & visit regularly.
- Develop a comprehensive page.
- Combine personal with professional experience on LinkedIn.
- Rejoin Facebook. Update profile. Scrub down connections to people I actually know.
- Create a Facebook Page for
- Create a more detailed About Me for the blog.
- Add a Quotes section that shares quotes from each post.
- Create a KaileenElise blog badge.
- Refresh profile pictures.
- Spend more time connecting, discovering and sharing inspiration.
- Activate PayPal account, begin to sell ads.
- Set, share and document goals.
- Host swaps with each new season.
- Begin a monthly newsletter.
- Add a Contact Me section.
- Dig through Archives and reexamine previous posts.
- Share books, resources and links that I love.
- Revitalize Creative Weekend To-Do Lists.
- Invite giveaways, product reviews & guest posts.