It Feels Good

Tour Montparnasse Paris Kaileen Elise

You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings. (Elizabeth Gilbert)

Ever since I was little, I've always kept journals. On and off. From time to time. Whenever I go too long without writing, I start a new one because it doesn't feel right having thoughts from November 2012 mixed in with memories from February 2013. When I store old journals for safe keeping, I tear out all the blank pages. As a result, I have a lot of skinny journals from years past.

I'm not sure what this habit says about me. Maybe I'm too enthusiastic about starting fresh. Or I should journal more often. In fact, that's how nearly all of my journals begin... "I should write more often. I promise to write daily. I will do a better job this time." The self-shaming makes me not even want to bother with a new journal, but writing always makes me feel better. More focused. Clear about things. It always has.

I've been feeling the same way about this website for nearly 2 years. Start. Stop. Looooong pause. Start. Stop. I toyed with the idea of tearing everything down and starting from scratch, but there are so many goals, stories, and ideas preserved here. Letting it languish wasn't my intention. Scrapping the site might be a comfortable repetition of habit, but it's not the right thing to do.

The past few months have been really incredible. I want to share all of it with you. After 5 awesome years together, My mister and I got engaged! He graduated from business school. We moved to Austin for his new job. I got to keep my old job through the move, and now I'm working remotely. We went on a mega vacation to Europe. (First trip overseas for both of us!) I found a yoga studio I love. We've settled into a routine. I have been cooking up a storm. We started to plan our wedding.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share some of the memories we've made. Thanks to those of you who have stayed connected through Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Thanks for encouraging me to post again. It feels good.

Image credit: Taken by a kind stranger on the top of Tour Montparnasse in Paris

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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