July Recap + August Intentions

July Recap + August Intentions  - image via Unsplash | kaileenelise.com

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. (Sam Keen)

The final day of July is here, yet it feels as though the month just arrived. Our July began and ended with weekends full of friends, great food, and a few too many drinks! Last week, we went on a quick trip to NYC + Philadelphia for my Mister's work and to visit friends. We had the most delightful time in both cities.

My intentions for July were motivating, but perhaps a bit too ambitious:

  • Have a fun + relaxing 4th of July - Complete! The weather and water were perfect. We had an amazing time with great friends.
  • Go to 15 yoga classes - Complete! After being in a yoga funk for years, I'm finding my groove.
  • Try 3 more Barre3 classes - Just one, but I purchased a 3-class pack so I'll try again in August.
  • Make 4 new recipes - Just two. These fish tacos + this Mexican zucchini dish are both weeknight winners.
  • Meditate daily - not a daily habit yet, but I am still loving LucentApp.
  • Journal often - more often than never, but I would like to keep working on this.
  • Finish The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg - Complete! Highly recommend giving it a try. I'm planning to share a book report next month.
  • Run/walk a total of 50 miles - Complete! My Fitbit motivated me to pick walking over riding in cabs while in NYC and Philly. Plus, we got to run up the "Rocky steps" which was really awesome.
  • Give #30EarlyMornings an honest try - Not even close. Attempting this did help me realize I'm much better at life when I get an early start.
  • Spend time by water - Complete! Our 4th of July was spent on Lake Austin + I went paddle boarding with my friend Jen on Ladybird Lake.

Our plans for this month include a lot more summer fun. My Mister and I are heading to North Carolina next week for 11 days to work and play, to visit friends and family.

Here are my August intentions — what are yours?

go on a date night with my Mister exercise daily (even if just for a short while) plan out editorial calendars for the rest of 2014 make a dent in our wedding plans finish reading one fiction book - The Signature of All Things read one non-fiction book - It Starts With Food start my Whole 30 on Sunday, August 17th hang our engagement pictures over the bed make time to do absolutely nothing ask my two little sisters if they will be my flower girls / junior bridesmaids celebrate my Mister's 30th birthday with friends

Image via Unsplash

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Creative Weekend To-Do List


Whenever You Are Ready