Refresh Your Vision Board for Summer

Summer’s Here! Ready to Refresh Your Vision Board?

Learn how to create a vision board using your intuition so that you will manifest in alignment with your truest self. Plus, explore where you can create your vision board and how it can support you through summer!

What is a Vision Board? And What is Manifesting?

A vision board, also called a mood or inspiration board, is an external representation of your desires. It is typically a collage of words and images, either created physically using cutouts from magazines or digitally using apps like Canva, Instagram, Pinterest, or Cosmos.

Manifestation is the practice of naming desires, feeling the emotions of receiving, and then allowing those desires into your life. Along with supporting your manifestation practice, creating a vision board connects you to the feelings, emotions, experiences, and opportunities you’re craving.

Why Manifest with Intuition?

When you manifest based on the teaching, formulas, and desires of others, you will end up dissatisfied... even if you manifest the thing you said you wanted!

When you manifest with intuition, you’ll attract opportunities, experiences, people, and things in alignment with your true self. This feels fulfilling, joyful, and like it was meant to be.

There are countless ways to manifest with intuition. Today we’re diving into vision boarding. You can also explore journaling, meditation, affirmations, and private coaching.

An Hour of Intuition to Change Everything

Wave goodbye to uncertainty. You’re about to get the answers you’ve been searching for and shift your life in a single hour.

This is the last coaching call you’ll ever need.

Make a Vision Board with Intuition, Not Your Ego

Instead of taking a literal approach and putting things on your vision board that your mind wants, tune in to intuition. Gather images and words that spark inspiration. Give yourself permission to follow curiosity and put things on your vision board that don’t make sense to your ego.

When Do You Make a New Vision Board?

You can make a vision board anytime you want a new beginning or a shift in energy.

The beginning of the year, a new season, a new moon, birthday, breakup, or career change are all great times to create a vision board. You might also feel an intuitive nudge on a random Wednesday. Trust your instincts and follow what feels good.

How to Make a Physical Vision Board IRL

When you’re making a vision board in real life, you can cut out images and words from magazines and put them on a bulletin board, poster, or inside your journal pages. For inspiration, scroll my past vision boards.

How to Make a Digital Vision Board

You can make digital boards on Canva, Pinterest, Cosmos or by creating a collection of saved images on Instagram. Save your digital vision board as the wallpaper of your phone and laptop.

Your Vision Board, No Rules

Listen to your intuition and do what feels right. If you’ve been making vision boards for years, try inviting more intuition into the process. If you’ve always wanted to make a vision board, you’re all set to give it a try!

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

44 Intuition Quotes to Help You Trust Your Gut in Motherhood

This collection of quotes will inspire you to listen to your intuition and trust your gut so you can be less overwhelmed as a mom and be your best self in everyday life.

About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.

Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.

That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Self-Care


Evolving as a Mother and as an Inner Voice Coach on The Lively Show