the Blog
A Fresh Path
What's alive in you? For me, it's new routines taking root. Discovery. Change. A fresh path. On Tuesday, I started a new job with a really amazing company in downtown Raleigh. I cannot even begin to express my delight. My joy. The excitement bubbling up inside. I've kept my shifting employment status a bit of a secret on the blog...
Truth, Love & Insight – Elise Blaha
I'm enjoying the slightly cooler weather and am excited to share some big news with you soon (perhaps tomorrow). Until then, I hope you gain some creative inspiration from today's Truth, Love & Insight interview. I'm excited to feature Elise Blaha. Her blog is filled with thoughts on leading a healthy, lovely & crafty life...
I'm a Mac
Hello my friends. I hope your day is filled with sunshine and your favorite things! I'm really happy to be back into a bit of a blogging groove. Thank you so much for the lovely tweets & comments in response to yesterday's not so serious post. I've been wanting to share a few techie things that have me pretty excited...
Not So Serious Things
Things are turning around here after a couple really tough months. I am rediscovering my very simple, yet completely extraordinary, life. Things have been crazy, but I knew we'd make it to the other side. I think we're nearly there. It's the calm after the storm. Yesterday I flipped through magazines and watched romantic comedies while my Mister studied for his first exam...
Creative Weekend To-Do List
Hello and happy weekend to you! What do you have planned for the days ahead? My Mister's birthday was earlier this week, so we're meeting up with friends for a celebratory dinner this evening. I'm also planning to read, relax & sleep in on Sunday. The following creative to-do’s are intended to inspire happy weekends...
Guest Post – Rachel from Suburban Yogini
Happy Friday, lovelies! I hope your week is wrapping up nicely. When I called for guest bloggers awhile back, I receive a response from @SuburbanYogini. Rachel is a punk rock yogini, teacher, writer, massage therapist, sprinkler of fairy dust + lover of all things glitter, cake, kitties, pugs and Dave Grohl...
Truth, Love & Insight – Lisa Thiele
Happy Wednesday, my friends. Are you feeling all the good ju ju and positivity this week? If you are in need of a little extra sparkle, check out last week's Truth, Love & Insight feature with Kelsey Brown. Today's interview with Lisa Thiele will also have you smiling. I initially connected with Lisa through her pretty blog With Style & Grace. Shortly after swooning over...