Keep Words of Wisdom Close

Beware what you set your heart upon. For it surely shall be yours.
(Ralph Waldo Emmerson)

A few days ago I was in a weird mood. Sitting in my cubicle at work, I wished for some sort of divine inspiration to sweep over me so I could have a great afternoon and power through the rest of my day.

When this happens, I try to work my way from left to right—cleaning and organizing my desk helps me get back into the groove. Having just moved cubicles, I still had a stack of photographs and cards scattered around my desk and behind my computer that needed to be hung on the walls.

I try to replace items often so I always have fresh inspiration surrounding me, but there is one card I always keep up.

The front is an illustration of a woman sitting on a yoga mat in prayer position with the quote, "Live passionately, Hold nothing back." At some point, I taped a fortune cookie message that says, "Your present plans are going to succeed." I don't know exactly when I received this card but it is from my Aunt, one of my favorite people in the whole world.

The words inside remain as meaningful today as they were then:

Hello Beautiful! I wish you love, peace, contentment, adventure, nourishment, courage, trust, faith and so much more as you begin to travel out into the world. Remember to keep your perspective broad and to work with the complexities of life rather than struggle against them. Trust that you are being guided every step of the way even when leaping without a net. Don't be afraid to try new things, and do attempt to visit foreign places & meet strangers on the street. Life is a big uncontrolled experiment. Have courage—and never give up!

I have always kept the card with the illustration towards me—today the card is now on my wall with her inscription facing forward to remind me that I am loved.

What inspiring words do you keep nearby? Read an old card from a friend or loved one and I am certain you will feel the warmth of their words all over again.

photo credit: curly girl design

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Where Did September Go?


Thoughts on Nothing: The Joy Diet – Week Two