Happy 2010!

As you begin to understand the immense power and love you hold inside, you will find an unending surge of joy, light and love that will nourish and support you all the days of your life.
(Susan Jeffers)

Happy 2010! Here's to an abundant year full of sparkle and joy. After an 11 day break from reality, I am preparing to settle into old routines while creating new ones. Like many, I've thought of a word for 2010 and decided on a few resolutions. Over the course of this week I will share with you my thoughts on 2009 and my plans for the upcoming year.

Thank you so much for sharing your love and light with me. I am really looking forward to the wonderful things this year has in store for all of us.

Photo: Sweet Ice Cream Photography

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


A Modern Girl's Manifesta


Signature Style in 2010