the Blog
2020 Goals + Year Ahead Tarot Spread
The sun is shining, both kids are napping, and I'm tucked in bed with my computer. This is an update on my life, goals, and year ahead tarot spread for 2020.
Nurture Your Dreams
Many of you have been so kind in sharing your "word of the year" and I am gladly joining the inspirational dictionary. The word nurture makes me think of tending a tiny and precious garden—an initial spark from which abundance grows. My intention is to focus on nurturing growth within myself and others throughout this year...
2010: A Year of Intention & Resolve
I may be a bit tardy in presenting my resolutions, but I figure there's still plenty of time with 350-ish days left in 2010. As I planned my intentions for the year, I thought of ways to begin living my ideal life. An ordinary, yet completely fantastic, everyday existence. Keeping in mind that the journey is much more important than the destination, this year I resolve to...
Happy 2010!
Here's to an abundant year full of sparkle and joy. After an 11 day break from reality, I am preparing to settle into old routines while creating new ones. Like many, I've thought of a word for 2010 and decided on a few resolutions. Over the course of this week I will share with you my thoughts on 2009 and my plans for the upcoming year...