May Intentions

paint brushes

If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
(Vincent van Gogh)

Do you sit down and set goals or intentions for the month ahead? Do you contemplate where you'd like to go and all you'd like to accomplish?

I find that when I sit down to plan ahead, things go my way much more often than when I go wherever the wind takes me. There is excitement and pleasure in both approaches, but it is wonderful to know that I can influence my life when I set out on a certain path.

This May, I am setting out on a journey to find the perfect day — one that combines the essential elements to my happiness in a seemingly effortless way. I should preface this by saying that I'm not in search of a magical and unrealistic set of 24 hours, but rather one that encompasses all that is wonderfully possible within my given circumstance.

Key ingredients for an ordinarily extraordinary day might include:

LOVE sharing a kiss from my mister, receiving a letter from a dear friend, making a call to a family member, recognizing the light in a stranger's soul

PEACE writing in my journal, meditating, practicing yoga, reading an inspirational book, connecting with nature

HEALTH getting a good night's rest, sweating for 20 minutes, stretching my legs, exercising my mind, eating a nourishing meal, going for a run, embracing carefree indulgence

SELF-CARE lotion after a shower, soft sheets in bed, chic work clothes, fine accessories, positive self-talk, affirmations, smiling from my soul, listening to podcasts, enjoying my own company

DELIGHT discovering a new blog, watching a bird play in the wind, making a personal connection, succeeding at work, sharing a laugh, breathing deep, living in the moment

ABUNDANCE finding a $100 bill, coming across an unexpected check in the mail, receiving an unsolicited guest blogging invitation, opening a care package from a friendly acquaintance

SPARKLE wearing lip gloss, enjoying a mani/pedi, making a stranger smile, singing loudly in the car, shopping for a new pair of shoes, putting glitter on a creative project

These loosely tied ingredients embody the essence of my ideal day. Like most, I wake up and go to work. I get home with less hours of free-time than I'd like. While these may be truths in my immediate day-to-day, I am seeking an adventure far more rewarding that going through the motions. This month, I am on a journey to discover my ordinarily extraordinary day.

Photo: John Morgan

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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