Keeping Your Calm

The most important skill in staying calm is not to lose sleep over small issues. The second most important skill is to be able to view all issues as small issues.
(Paul Wilson)

I lost my calm this weekend. Along with it, my Coach wristlet, license, credit card, camera and favorite lip gloss vanished into thin air. Some act of sheer providence saved my iPhone, which was in my hand when I realized my purse and its contents were gone.

The disappearing act took place late into the night on Saturday, proving once again that nothing good happens after 2 a.m. I'm a bit frustrated and confused that this happened because it wasn't a crazy night. In a time when identity theft and other unsavory crimes are abundant, there's a nakedness in losing important bits of plastic.

I'm heading to the DMV today, which will undoubtedly provide time for quiet contemplation. I'm trying to step back and see this as an opportunity to evaluate some of my standard operating procedures. It feels like there's room for improvement:

more mindfulness. less coffee. more sleep. less pressure. more movement. less tension. more time enjoying friends. less indulgence. more calm. less chaos. more journaling. less judging. more joy. less worry. more laughter. less sass. more love.

Of course, life goes on. I've canceled the card and started searching for a shiny new camera. I know where to find my favorite lip gloss and Coach has some amazing wristlets for sale this season.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

A Return to RL


Looking Back to Look Forward