A Week in October

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
(Albert Einstein)

After a month of seeking subtlety, I've opened my arms and embraced October with a warm welcome. Fall has arrived, the final quarter of 2010 is here, and I feel ready.

My intentions for September included speaking mindfully, drinking tea, practicing yoga and reading a few good books. Overall, my goal was to focus on projects in process and avoid picking up new challenges.

I feel like I did a great job of listening to myself and focusing on current projects. The other intentions (tea, yoga, reading) somehow became less of a priority as the month unfolded.

In October, I will continue to focus on speaking mindfully, and have outlined a few additional priorities below. What are your goals for October?

Top Intentions:

  • 750 word challenge

  • Drink more tea & be coffee free

  • Practice yoga 2x per week

Extra Credit:

  • Cook 2 new meals from a recipe

  • Meditate 5 minutes daily

  • Finish reading 2 books

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Creative Weekend To-Do List


Simplify & Stretch