Simplify & Stretch
Life is frittered away by details. Simplify, simplify.
Yesterday's prompt on The Mindfulist got me thinking about ways I can simplify my life. Are there things, feelings, habits or to-do's that I could wash away with no (or very little) impact? Am I using words, snacks, email and reality TV to fill in gaps that would otherwise be inhabited by empty space and silence?
Of course, one hundred times YES to all these questions — and I know this will always be the case. Our challenge as creative creatures living in an agenda-driven world is to find a unique blend of balance between productivity and peace.
The past few weeks have tested me. There's consistently more work on my plate than my calendar can hold. Although I continue to remind myself that this is a part of life, there is a piece of me that yearns to have everything done before I call it a day. I am a "busy person" in need of a fresh set of priorities. It's time to come back to the mat — literally & figuratively.
The good news is, I'm attending a yoga & goal setting program tomorrow (hosted by Lululemon). In full disclosure, I haven't stepped foot in a yoga studio for months. I'm nervous, but excited. A consistent yoga practice is one thing that's missing from my routine. I'm also looking forward to reexamining my 4 simple goals, while looking beyond 2010 and envisioning who I want to be down the road.
While I might end up shopping in Lulu's showroom, I plan on letting this sink in over the next few days. I am determined to welcome abundance, beauty, love and sparkle into my life — and it is my intention to simplify the rest. There's no need for extra stuff, especially when creativity comes out to play in the quiet of stillness.
Image: Austin Ban