Reboot & Reconnect
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. (J. K. Rowling)
Hello friends! I'm feeling excited and energized after a fabulous blogcation. The time away gave me a chance to relax and reflect, all while showering my Mister with extra smooches.
It's really nice to step back and breathe. I've taken pauses from blogging before, but this is the first time I didn't feel guilty about it. Pre-planning definitely eased my discomfort, but your encouraging comments helped me stand firm. Even though I was tempted to tweet, I surprised myself by staying logged off Twitter for a few days too!
I recently mentioned that it seems like I've lost my way. This is something I know we all go through from time to time — and I also know that the best way for me to get out of a funk is to get moving.
Over the next few weeks I plan to revitalize my workout & healthy-living routine, reevaluate my spending habits, reboot my online presence (a return to frequent posts & a spring swap!?), and reconnect to the people/moments/things that make my heart sing.
It might sound like a lot to bite off at once, but I'm promising to be patient with myself and to release my all or nothing tendencies. A little yoga here and there, mixed with some reality TV and healthy home cooked meals — sounds like the adjustment I've been craving.
Hopefully you will enjoy seeing more of me 'round these parts. I am definitely looking forward to rebooting and reconnecting with you!
Image Credit: VI ÄR FÖR JÄVLA BRA! via we♥it