12 Books for 2012
Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening, and sleep at night. (William Blake)
The first few days of school were always my favorite, and I especially loved when instructors introduced the course syllabus. There was magic in having knowledge at my fingertips, with a map and experienced guide to show me the way. Life has been busy since graduating from college several years ago, and I often miss the discovery and excitement that comes from studying, learning and uncovering information.
Last November, I decided to stop buying books and start reading more. Blogging about my 1-year challenge made it real, and so far I've stuck to my promise. I love the idea of learning and developing myself, but finding time is another story. To help myself get motivated and excited about reading on a regular basis, I created a list of 12 books I'm finishing this year.
Jan: Style Statement by Danielle LaPorte & Carrie McCarthy Feb: Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr Mar: Onward by Howard Schultz Apr: The Power by Rhonda Byrne May: The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry June: 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong July: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Aug: The China Study by T. Colin Campbell & Thomas M. Campbell II Sept: Getting Things Done by David Allen Oct: New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Nov: Creative, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho & Meg Mateo Ilasco Dec: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The books I selected are loosely aligned with my 12 Intentions for 2012, which I think will help me stick with the plan. In addition to these books, I'll also be listening to some great audiobooks and podcasts during my commute. I'll be sharing my thoughts, feedback and reactions to each book throughout the year—and invite you to join me by reading along!
Image Credit: Reading and drinking (in bed) via M31