Plans, Yoga & Bits of Magic

image - do yoga together

Our bodies, our breath, our minds, and our choices are being refined in the laboratory that is our yoga mat. (Rolf Gates)

Yoga teacher training started last night. With my first day of class complete, I'm feeling all sorts of excited, nervous and eager. Excited to get to know my classmates and teacher better. Nervous about falling flat on my face (literally and figuratively). Eager to get past these first-days-of-class jitters.

I'm looking forward to deepening my yoga practice. It will be nice to go beyond the poses, and dive into the philosophy, mechanics and meaning of yoga. I've been practicing for over a decade — and I still love the way it feels to walk outside after a challenging, sweaty class.

Teaching is in my bones. I studied elementary education in college, and was a swim instructor and coach growing up. In my career, I have blended aspects of education into my work in sales, management, marketing and recruiting. This feels like something I'm meant to do, but I know there will be challenges to face.

I tweaked my lower back over Memorial Day weekend, and even after 2 sports massages, lots of ice and plenty of rest, the area feels weak and tender. If I'm honest with myself, it really frustrates me that I'm not in tip-top shape for teacher training.

That said, this injury has quickly become a valuable teacher. Practicing yoga with a soft spot helps me focus inward. The messages of what feels good and what feels wrong are much clearer than normal. The slight twinges in my back are a reminder to slow down, listen, and appreciate this body I'm living in.

Another challenge might be the time commitment. I'm embarking on a 200-hour yoga teacher training while working full time, helping with a community organization, and maintaining a blog. Every other weekend I'll be at the studio. My aim is to embrace this busy life with grace and gratitude. These are exciting times, and I'm lucky to have the opportunity to pursue so much at once.

So, we're off on another adventure. By mid-November I should be a certified yoga teacher!! Rather than follow my usual patterns of trying to think through and plan everything that might unfold in the coming months, I'm asking myself this question:

What would happen if you laid off the plan-making, visualized on your ideal outcome, and just showed up for whatever happens in between?

Magical things, I think, magical things.

Image credit: Do yoga. Together. via lululemon athletica

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Breathe. Believe.


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