the Blog

Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues

Whenever You Are Ready

In 2012, I applied for a yoga teacher training program. In the years that followed, I injured myself, moved across country, and found my way back to yoga.

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Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues

Breathe. Believe.

Hello, lovelies. Happy Friday! I hope the first few days of summer have been treating you well. It's been pretty warm here in North Carolina and I've been trying to welcome the new season with open arms. My second weekend of yoga teacher training starts tonight and unfortunately, my back is still hurting from when I tweaked it on Memorial Day...

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Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues

Plans, Yoga & Bits of Magic

Yoga teacher training started last night. With my first day of class complete, I'm feeling all sorts of excited, nervous and eager. Excited to get to know my classmates and teacher better. Nervous about falling flat on my face (literally and figuratively). Eager to get past these first-days-of-class jitters...

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Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues

Yoga & Swimming on the Mind

It's hard to believe that I've been practicing yoga for 10 years. I never thought I'd find a connection to anything else besides swimming. I spent a long time—the majority of my childhood, high school years and even a splash of college—as a competitive swimmer...

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