Looking Ahead, Asking Questions, Planting Seeds

Looking Ahead, Asking Questions, Planting Seeds | Read more at kaileenelise.com

I've been thinking about 2022 and 2023 a lot lately. Asking millions of questions, seeing what wisdom comes. Opening my hands and heart, trying not to grip too tightly to plans or outcomes.

What seeds am I planting that will be growing in a year or two? What thoughts, actions, and ideas am I following now? Where are they guiding me... and is this where I want to go? If so, how can I enjoy the journey a bit more? If not, how can I chart a new course?

What can I do to curate the life I want now and then? What clutter do I need to clear? What space do I want to create? What expectations can I release? What to-do's do I need to let go?

And also, what do I want to be studying now? Who's work do I want to explore more? What connections can I make within myself and others? How can I build upon my knowledge to support the growth I desire?

At the foundation of all of this... what do I desire? When I dream, where do I go? What work do I want to do in a year or two? For leisure? For play? How can I honor my current clients as they grow? How can I connect with new clients and support them on their journeys? Are there ways to thread work and leisure and play together in a beautiful tapestry that I call life?

Being pregnant with this third baby has shifted my perspective once again. I doubt I'd be asking all these questions if I wasn't thinking about how our lives will change in September. As people prepare for things to "return to normal," I am looking ahead to another season of hibernation. One with cuddles and sleepless nights.

I've never had three children before. And yet, my journey as a mother has prepared me for where I am now. I know everything is going to change, but maybe not in the ways I expect. I also know that there isn't just one "event" to get ready for... labor and birth are significant, but ultimately they are moments in a greater story. The newborn days are long and soft... and they don't last forever.

I think that's why I'm looking ahead. Because part of me knows I'm going to look up from my coffee one morning and realize it's the middle of 2022. Finally feel more like myself, ready to work, excited to tend to this garden I planted in 2021. Back when this baby was still in my belly and I only had an inkling of what I wanted.


Photography by Angela Doran

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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