Setting Weekly Intentions with Intuition

Setting Weekly Intentions with Intuition |

Setting intentions is a practice of gathering a word (or words) to serve as an anchor back to yourself and what you want. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Intentions are a conversation you get to have with yourself.⁣

I used to share my intentions every week on Instagram. I loved doing it, but like all things, it drifted away for one reason or another. This week #kaileeneliseintentions made a comeback, but with a new twist.

What’s Your Intention This Week?

On Instagram Stories, I asked our community to share their intentions and I offered to include intuitive guidance with each⁣. It felt like such a beautiful collaboration and co-creation that I saved them to a highlight on my profile and had to share them here.

• Trust in the flow - don’t hold on too tightly or feel pressure to do it all.
Notice how water and wind flow. Around and through. In waves and in circles. Life is a lot less linear than we might think. What happens when you try to contain water or wind? Pressure builds. How can you release it before it becomes too much to hold? Let it flow.

Healing and strength
Be with yourself through this season. Resist the urge to poke and prod. Instead, rest where you are. Lean towards what feels soft and safe. Find comfort in quiet moments. Cultivate strength from within by listening to intuition and trusting inner wisdom.

Be where my feet are.
Draw your awareness down, down, down into the tips of your toes. Breathe through the crests and valleys of your body. This vessel you dwell within, that carries you everywhere you go, contains all the wisdom you will ever need.

To follow where Spirit leads. Even if it’s different than what I envisioned.
Your vision will expand and evolve as you follow the breadcrumbs of joy, alignment, and connection on your path. What you see now is a tiny sliver of all that the future holds for you.

Focus on one day at a time till we reach our final goal
One day, one step. This moment, then the next. There is no other way to journey through life. When you are fully in the moment, you will notice the goal feels a lot less like an aim and more like a state of being. In taking things bit by bit, you are where you are. And that is more than enough.

I heard “find peace” during yoga this weekend + am carrying with me!
When you find peace outside yourself, you are accessing a reminder of what lies within. Always available for you to find, discover, and explore. Open your eyes. Open your hands. Open your heart. See what’s there.

I am the magic.
You are. You are. You are. Magic flows to you. Magic flows through you. And as you embrace all that you are, the more you will know this truth. You are the magic and the magic is you.

To receive.
Receiving is a pathway. A portal to potential and possibilities you might not otherwise encounter. It is not passive, like you might have been taught to believe. Receiving requires openness and trust. Believe in yourself, honor where you are, and watch all the goodness falling at your feet. You are ready to receive.

Accept what comes - whether it’s what I hoped for or not
Hopes are good, but they tend to be one-sided. Hope can lack dimension, it often holds a singular focus. Acceptance is round, whole, and all encompassing. What lives on the other side of acceptance? Peace and grace, joy and faith.

Join Me for More Intention Next Week

On Monday, I’ll share a new intention for the week ahead and ask for yours on Stories again. Join me, send in your intention, and I’ll share anonymously with some intuitive guidance. This feels good, aligned, and so much fun. Let’s see where it goes.


Photography by Gaelle Marcel

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Say hello on Instagram, I’m @kaileenelise

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

The Path That Leads You Here


Looking Ahead, Asking Questions, Planting Seeds