the Blog
Europe Trip - Highlights from Vienna
Vienna is a historical and magical place that made me feel small and young in comparison. Here are some highlights from Vienna...
Creative Weekend To-Do List
The following creative weekend to-do list is intended to inspire. Consider this a friendly nudge to seek out little delights in the days ahead.
Thirty Before Thirty 1/2 Birthday Check-In
Now that I've reached the half-way mark, I am more excited than ever about my thirty before thirty list! Here are the items I have crossed off so far...
Europe Trip - Highlights from Munich & Oktoberfest
I had very few expectations for Munich and Oktoberfest. I figured we might drink beer and eat some pretzels, but the rest was pretty up in the air...
Sunday Sounds - Tunes for Travel Playlist
I made this Tunes for Travel playlist before we left for Europe and I've been listening to it since. There's a mix of mellow and upbeat songs...
September Recap + October Intentions
Since the stakes are high, I am trying to keep my October intentions realistic. I want to do what I can to be proactive and strategic with my time.
Europe Trip - Highlights from London
Two weeks ago, we packed a few small bags and left for 21-days in Europe. Here are a few restaurant recommendations + highlights from London...
Packing List for 21-Days in Europe
This trip will take us to five different destination: London, Munich, Vienna, Paris, and Edinburug. Here is my packing list for 21-days in Europe...