Six Ways to Be Intentional Every Day

Show Notes

Being intentional sounds nice, but is it something we can do every day? Listen to this episode for six simple ways to be intentional every day. I’m reviewing what it means to be intentional, why you might want to try it, and what this practice looks like in my life. I’m also sharing details about my new coaching membership, The Season Sessions! If you’re ready to find ease, alignment, and flow through the year, I made this for you.


The Season Sessions

Connecting to intuition. Trusting inner wisdom. Taking aligned action. Living with intention. Manifesting magic. Finding flow. Being inspired. Releasing what isn’t serving you. Receiving abundance of all kinds.

These are not one-time actions. They are practices cultivated throughout your life. They exist in the intentions you set, the space you create, and the actions you take every day.

The Season Sessions is a membership to support you in finding ease, alignment, and expansion through the year. Sign up by February 18 to join as a beta member and lock in the introductory price of $999.


What Does It Mean to Be Intentional?

Being intentional is about living on purpose or with a sense of purpose. You know what you need to feel satisfied, fulfilled, and aligned in your life. Being intentional is the opposite of being on autopilot.

Why You Might Want to Try Being Intentional 

Being intentional doesn’t require a ton of effort. It’s not something that should add a bunch of extra items on your to-do list. If anything, being intentional might involve doing less and saying “no” more than you do currently.

You might want to try being intentional if you’re feeling stuck in your everyday routines, if your daily life lacks rhythm, if you’re feeling bored, dissatisfied, or frustrated.

What Being Intentional Looks and Feels Like for Me

When I’m intentional, I’m paying attention to what I need and desire. I’m watching for ways I can flow with life as it is, rather than force what I want in any given moment.

This looks like checking in with myself and my intuition. Being aware of what’s on my calendar. Keeping an eye on the weather, the seasons, and the moon cycles. It’s doing small things that feel good. Watching for inspiration, taking aligned action, and practicing a lot of letting go.

Being intentional feels smooth on some days. And like the hardest thing ever on other days. That’s okay. You don’t need to achieve a certain level of intentional … sometimes it will be asking for help, doing nothing, or giving 10% effort instead of 100%.

Six Ways to Be Intentional Every Day

Being intentional is a practice. You will make progress, but it is not about getting to a specific destination by a certain time. Don’t try for all six of these. Pick one or two and see what works for you!

  1. Check in with your inner wisdom. Get still. Take a deep breath. Ask your intuition, “What do I need?” And then listen to the wisdom you receive.

  2. Connect with your body. Check in with yourself. How is your energy? Are you warm or cold? Do you need to drink some water, go for a walk, or take a nap?

  3. Celebrate the good in your life. Notice the good in your life and acknowledge it in small, accessible ways. Say thank you. Clap your hands. Do a little dance. Be silly. Laugh.

  4. Cultivate more of what you want. Pay attention to your desires. More towards what feels good. Make choices that serve where you are and that are in alignment with where you want to be.

  5. Release your grip. Pause when you notice you’re trying to force something. Can you walk away and come back later? Can you allow someone else to figure it out? 

  6. Receive what flows to you. Accept when help is offered. Acknowledge serendipity and kindred connections when they happen.

Sharable Sentiments

About the Host

Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach and host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast. She helps entrepreneurs, mothers, and soul-seekers find more alignment and ease through coaching, courses, and online retreats. Before becoming a coach full-time, Kaileen worked for a series of startups in HR and recruiting. She lives in sunny Austin, TX with her husband and their three children.

Connect with her on Instagram @kaileenelise.

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Looking Back

February 11, 2021 • Episode 50 → Self-Love Guided Meditation


Photography by Angela Doran
Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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