Four Lessons I've Learned from 11 Years on Instagram

I’ve been on Instagram for 11 years and in that time I’ve learned a few things. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what’s happened since 2011 and what’s stayed the same. I’m not teaching you how to gain more followers or how to make your reels go viral. This is a conversation about four things you can try to find more peace, joy, and magic while using this app that so many people love (and hate).

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My first post on Instagram is from January 29, 2011. It’s a close-up of a mini vision board on a divider of my tiny binder-style planner that I used at the time. There’s an old filter on it and the caption reads “Filofax inspiration.” There’s one like and one comment.

Things were different back in 2011. This was before I traveled the world. Before I had children. Before so much, really. But I had real struggles back then and the tiny corner of the internet where I spent my time became a place that felt like home.

Four Lessons I've Learned from 11 Years on Instagram

1. The way you feel matters.

If you feel sad, jealous, unworthy, competitive, or anything else that isn't good, give yourself permission to change the channel. Curate your experience. Make this a place that inspires, uplifts, educates, and encourages you. Unfollow (or mute) as needed. Seek new inspiration when things feel stale. Let your feed evolve with you. 

2. It’s good to take breaks.

Time away will give you a renewed sense of connection and creativity. If you’re ever feeling exhausted by the endless scroll, take note. And then give yourself permission to press pause. Your eyes, mind, heart, and soul occasionally need a break from this place. When you come back (if you choose to), you will return with fresh energy and perspective, which always feels good. 

3. You exist beyond this app. 

Let that sink in. You know you aren’t your Instagram account. Right!? These apps are engineered to blur the lines in all sorts of ways. If you find your identity getting wrapped up in sharing content, collecting followers, and gathering likes... pause, breathe, sink your feet in the ground, feel the air on your skin. Connect to all the parts of you and know that you exist beyond this app. You always will.

4. There is magic here (and there).

It's important to feel good, take breaks, and know you exist beyond this app. But most of all, trust that there IS magic here. Kindred spirits. Serendipitous connections. Aligned clients. Support systems. Communities. This is a place of inspiration, beauty, truth, and love. There's magic here. It's all around.

Looking Back

February 4, 2021 • Episode 49 → Becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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