Grab Your Coffee and Let's Catch Up

Welcome to the season one finale! Grab your coffee, friend. I’m sharing highlights and takeaways from the past six months. Let's catch up on all the things from life and work, to my dreams and ideas for the future.

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The Past Six Months Have Been Crazy… Right?!

At this point, I think we all just keep saying how crazy 2020 has been. While that’s true in a lot of ways, there’s also been some calm, gentle, and easy things to celebrate. Here are a few of mine:

  • Not traveling with a two and four year old is a bonus. We miss our family, of course. But it’s been nice not to travel with kids these ages. One thing is for sure, whenever we fly again, I will appreciate it more and complain less.

  • With everyone home every day, we’ve become a solid family unit. And it’s been such a gift to have our amazing nanny and her adorable dog live with us for the last six months.

  • I’ve connected to my body and healing this year. Pio Wellness and Ladybird PT have helped me focus on what feels supportive to my body. I think between Covid and the climate crisis, so many of us are thinking differently about our health, immune systems, and longevity.

  • When it comes to relationships, maybe it’s really true that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Ha! Marriage during a pandemic has unique challenges, but I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone besides my husband. We’ve been together for a long time… this November we will be celebrating our 13th Thanksgiving and 6th wedding anniversary.

  • Socially, I miss the acquaintances I used to see on a regular basis, like people at my co-working space and pilates classes. I also miss bumping into people at random places. Remember when that used to happen?

My Work Continues to Evolve

At the beginning of this year, things were a bit different. I was podcasting weekly on That’s Pretty Woo with my co-host Jordan. When Covid hit, we put the podcast on hiatus. It’s still on hold for now since Jordan is busy with her new baby girl

I was building Squarespace websites and supporting businesses with content and digital strategy. And I was selling children’s books on the side.

I launched the Magical May Virtual Retreat and the Celebrate Cultivate podcast in a matter of weeks! Things just started to flow seamlessly and I followed the sparks of inspiration. The retreat and podcast led to a few coaching clients and the course of this summer I’ve worked with several women.

I Help My Clients Find Magic & Ease

I love helping others tap into their inner wisdom. Here are some of the things discuss and work on together during coaching sessions:

  • Setting intentions

  • Clearing space (literally and figuratively)

  • Rethinking the roadblocks they face

  • Establishing rituals and rhythms

  • Appreciating what’s working 

  • Acknowledging what they want to change

Check out my bestie Christy Lepley if you’re looking for a branding mentor!

My Semester of Expansion

I’m enrolled in a handful of courses right now and it feels like my dream semester of life. 

This “semester” I’m also bringing my websites and Instagram back under my name @kaileenelise and This totally aligns with my words for the year: Magic and Integrate.

Grab Your Coffee and Let's Catch Up | Click to listen to Kaileen on the Celebrate Cultivate podcast!

Shop for Baby + Kids Books

I’m a consultant with Usborne Books & More and I’m still planning to share about the children’s books we’re loving. This is still aligned with me because I got my degree in Elementary Education, we love reading at my house, and the quality of UBAM books is amazing. 

Books are a great way to open the door to calm, magic, and peace in our homes. My book shop is always open and I love putting together shopping recommendations for my clients.

Change Is Fast and Slow

This year has made me realize that nothing is promised. I’m not making any big promises for what lies ahead. It feels like I’m on the edge and integrating so much. So I’m taking things step by step and enjoying the path as it unfolds.

Earlier this season I talked about making plans and daydreaming in the face of uncertainty. We can plan all we want, but we will also roll with things when the unexpected happens.

Stay Tuned for Season Two

I’m planning to come back soon and I’m super excited for what’s to come! I’m thinking a series of interviews might be the perfect way to dive into season two.

If you feel inspired and want to share your love for the podcast, leave a review. Sign up for my newsletter to get some good vibes in your inbox.


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


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“I’m following the unfolding piece by piece.“ | Kaileen Elise Sues + Celebrate Cultivate
Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

What Does It Mean to Set Intentions?


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