Do You Want an Easy Life?

Do you want to invite in more ease as we wrap up 2020? The theme for Week 2 of Align 20/21 is easy. Listen to this episode for ideas and inspiration around the concept of ease. I share how to embrace ease, some things to consider, and how honoring your energy can lead to an easier life.

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Do You Want an Easy Life? Listen to this episode of Celebrate Cultivate for ideas and inspiration around the concept of ease. I share how to embrace ease, some things to consider, and how honoring your energy can lead to an easier life.| Listen on C…

Today Kicks Off Week 2 of Align 20/21

I’ve heard from some participants that you’re loving the retreat! It’s resonating and helping you access exactly what you need from within yourself.

As you work through the guidebook, know that I’m here as a resource for any of your questions. If you have comments or insights to share, send them my way. I’d love to hear from you!

This Week’s Theme Is Easy

Easy is a word, a feeling, and a vibe.

The definition of easy is, “something achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.”

A quote around this topic that I love is by Eckhart Tolle,

“Being at ease with not knowing is crucial for answers to come to you.”

For most of us, not knowing is not easy. But, answers coming to you, things flowing for you, life moving in a smooth, effortless way… that is east. And in order to have a life that’s easy, we have to be at ease with not knowing.

We Are Wired for Drama

Our minds, our brains, our egos love to complicate, exaggerate, take on too much, and take on what’s not ours. Our minds love drama. Our brains love problems to solve. Our egos love to bite off more than we can chew.

So when we’re seeking ease and playing with this idea of things being easy, I like to really think about dropping, letting go, and allowing. Because easy just is.

What Makes an Easy Life?

Easy is the absence of hard. Easy is doing one thing at a time. Easy is creating space to breathe. Easy is appreciating the small things in life. Easy is awareness and presence.

It’s tricky, right? I’m not saying we are here to pursue an easy life if that means activity avoiding discomfort, failure, conflict, using your voice.

Not at all. I’m saying one of the games in life might be seeing if we can settle into more ease when we are facing things like pain, disappointment, challenge, and confusion.

Can you find ease in the hard times? Can you allow, accept, and appreciate ease when life is actually easy? Because for me that is sometimes even hard.

Do You Feel Guilty When Things Are Easy?

The mind in me, the character of Kaileen, sometimes will wonder and worry, “What I did to deserve ease?” I’ll want to know why something is coming so easily. And I’ll try to prove worthiness, try to do more, or take on too much… instead of really just basking in the beauty of ease. Can you relate?

Honoring Your Energy + Journal Prompts

If you’re in Align 20/21, I’d love to hear what comes up when you go through the ritual this week. If you’re not in the retreat, honoring your energy is still a practice you can try. In its simplest form, honoring your energy is about tuning in and listening to your inner wisdom.

Honoring your energy is moving with the flow of your body, your life, your intuition. In honoring your energy, things become much easier.

Get centered. Ask yourself following questions. Use them as journaling prompts.

  • What do I need?

  • Where am I forcing?

  • Where am I flowing?

  • Where am I stuck?

  • Where can I get help?

  • Where can I let go?

  • Where can I hold on?

You can direct these questions towards your intuition, your inner voice, your highest self, your guides, your guardian angels, or the god of your understanding. Tuning into that wisdom will help you gently fall into flow, drop into ease, in an effortless and comfortable way.

Consider Your Privilege

Privilege is something to be aware of, something to acknowledge, and something to examine within. When you’re seeking ease, wanting flow, and desiring a magical, “high vibe” life, it can be useful to open your awareness.

Some people’s lives are inherently easier in our current society and structure. It's the way things are right now and it’s the way things have been historically. Unpacking and learning about your privilege might be part of your journey. It certainly has been for me.

In my personal pursuit of ease, it feels honest and true to acknowledge that we’re operating within racist, white supremacist, and patriarchal structures that benefit some and oppress others.

I’m not an antiracism expert and I’m not perfect. I actually think perfection is part of the problem, not the solution. I don’t have any answers to offer here, but I want to raise the question in case it feels aligned for you to start considering this too.

Connections + Connotations with Easy

The majority of us have been taught to struggle, to effort, to work hard. We have been told that “taking the easy way out” is bad, lazy, wrong, and immoral.

Think about the phrases that include the word easy. Easy for you to say. Success doesn’t come easy. Even when we describe that something did come easy for someone, it’s almost always said with judgement.

What are your connections and connotations with ease and easy. How do those words make you feel? Do you believe an easy life is good? Do you trust that you are worthy of ease? Do you think that you need to work hard… and then you can take it easy?

Do You Want an Easy Life?

Be gentle with yourself as you explore all of this. Go easy. Give yourself what you need and trust that you have a lifetime for this journey. You don’t have to figure it all out right now.

Now Booking Intuition Coaching Sessions for 2021

If you’re craving more connection to your intuition, your highest self, your inner voice, I invite you to book a coaching session with me in January. Click here for all the details.

Here’s what Thersea, a recent client, had to say,

“My session with Kaileen was beautiful and exactly what I needed to strengthen the connection to my inner voice. It was perfect!”

Easy is doing one thing at a time. Easy is creating space to breathe. Easy is appreciating the small things in life. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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