Digital Wellness and Boundaries for the Holiday Season

Are you craving more calm, ease, and connection this holiday season? In this episode, I’m talking about digital wellness, boundaries for the holiday season, and why I’m taking another social media sabbatical.

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Stress Less this December

There are currently 39 people enrolled my month-long virtual retreat, Align 20/21. There is still time if you want to join!

The retreat guidebooks just went out on Tuesday morning and I’m leaving registration open through the end of this week. Click here all the details and to sign up.

My Journey with Digital Minimalism

When I set my goals, I knew it would feel good to take a break from social media in July + December.

I listened to the audiobook Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport last September and it really made an impact on me. My biggest takeaway was that space, breaks, and room to breathe are very beneficial to our nervous systems, our minds, and our creativity.

(Have you heard of It's where I get my audiobooks because they make it possible for me to support my local, Black owned book shop. Click here to get your first month free.)

Are you craving more calm, ease, and connection this holiday season? In this episode I’m talking about digital wellness, boundaries for the holiday season, and why I’m taking another social media sabbatical.| Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaile…

How to Take a Digital Sabbatical

If this is something you’re interested in exploring, I suggest connecting to your intuition and doing what feels right for you. I’m my last break from social media as a guide.

  • I’m being more intentional about email and taking it off my phone (again).

  • Stepping away from Instagram feels so good, so I’m keeping this.

  • Not breaking from listening to podcasts or audiobooks. If anything, I’m looking forward to them! Do you know of a podcast you think I’d love? Let me know!

  • My vision is to spend time in the early morning, reading by the Christmas tree with hot coffee in hand. I want to finish a few books I’ve started, then read Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.

Listen to past episodes:

The Energy You Bring Is the Energy You Receive

This is true in life and online. Here few questions to consider if you’re seeking more connection, especially through the holiday season:

  • Why are you here?

  • What feels good?

  • How can I cultivate community?

  • Can I engage in real conversation?

What is Digital Wellness?

You can define digital wellness in a way that resonates for you. I think of it as caring for yourself, protecting your energy, and using your awareness to guide you vs. being guided by technology.

A few things that help me cultivate my digital wellness are time away from my phone, literal space between me and my digital world, and lots of room to breathe.

Boundaries Through the Holidays

This could be a whole episode! Boundaries are agreements you make with yourself in service of your health and wellbeing.

How can you take care through the holidays? Consider it now. In a quiet place. And then ask,

  • What do I need?

  • Where can I do less?

  • What do I need more of?

Join the Retreat $44

Inviting in space and intuitive guidance to lead the way. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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