Welcome to Align 20/21 + Settling Into Center

My month-long virtual retreat begins today! The purpose of Align 20/21 is to help you find moments of comfort and calm in December. Let’s close out this year and welcome the new year together.

If you haven’t signed up and want in, join for $44 through the end of this week.

Catch every episode! Subscribe on Apple or Spotify!

Align 20/21 Begins Today

Check your inbox! Participants will receive an email today with the retreat guidebook filled with inspiration, journal prompts, guided rituals, intuition connections, and more.

Will It Take a Lot of Time, Effort, and Energy?

No… I really don’t want to add another thing to your to-do list. This experience is meant to support and guide you through the month of December. You can do as little or as much as you want. Take it at your own pace. Do a little day by day or set aside bigger chunks of time. Trust your intuition on this.

Join Now for $44

Week One: Center

You are here. In this space. Settle in. Allow your senses to fill in the scene. What do you see around you? And when you close your eyes, what do you see within?

When I think of center, the idea of my center, my core, comes to mind. Settling into what feels calm, centered, and true.

I haven’t always had access to this place. It hasn’t always come easily. I have lived a lot of my life frantic and frazzled, busy and stressed. And there are still times when I still live from that place.

What I’m learning now it that is okay. That is part of the human experience. But it isn’t the only way to live. There are so many ways to connect with what feels calm, easy, and true with your center.

Breathe into your center. Release your grip. Soften your gaze. And just see what wisdom and magic comes from allowing a little space in your center.

Through everything, remember that you can come back to center. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography courtesy of Angela Doran


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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