Elevating Daily Rituals with Kate Waitzkin

Kate Waitzkin is a yoga teacher, writer, essential oil educator, mentor, and mama. Join us for a conversation about everyday rituals, creativity, and accessing the calm within. Listen as Kate shares how she’s found connection to herself, family, and community through this most unusual year.

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I met Kate several years ago when I first moved to Austin and stepped into her yoga class. Kate quickly became one of my teachers. I loved her calm and encouraging approach. There’s a unique combination of ease and effort in Kate’s classes, with a really strong focus on turning inward... which of course I totally appreciate!

A little more about Kate, she has taught yoga + meditation since 2006 and her passion lies in sharing and spreading the teachings of yoga as a way to explore, heal, and deeply reconnect with our bodies, minds, and spirits. Through this practice, she believes, we begin to awaken more fully to our daily experiences, our internal wisdom, and our highest possibilities.

Keep reading for all the details + links from my convo with Kate

Elevating Daily Rituals with Kate Waitzkin | Listen on the Celebrate Cultivate podcast!

Rituals and Routines

We talked a lot about ritual in this conversation. I really loved all that Kate had to say and the way she elevates her every day with rituals. Here are a few that Kate shared:

  • Staying inspired through reading books, listening to podcasts, etc.

  • Getting outside for a walk or run.

  • Setting up simple alters.

  • Saving ideas on voice memos.

  • Having stacks of white paper with a pen throughout her home.

  • Being in conversation with herself.

  • Using oils throughout the day.

What Are You Celebrating About 2020?

This year has brought so much connection for Kate. Connecting with family through walks, dance parties, and karaoke. Connecting in business through moving things online and meeting people virtually from around the world.

On Change, Creativity, and Magic

When Kate and I talked about change, she shared about Tapas, a concept in yoga, and how having a commitment to growth is important to her. We also talked about finding joy in the journey, which made me think of this conversation with Emma Natter.

Kate’s creative process includes time blocking her calendar, connecting to intuition, and having inspiration around. She also shared how this year it’s been especially important to be open to creation looking different than a year ago. And also not just creating for work, but finding creativity for herself.

She finds magic in everyday life with her three boys and also in slowing down to open the eyes of the senses.

“Ritual is an invitation to awaken and a willingness to find the sacredness in everyday life.” - Kate Waitzkin | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography courtesy of Kate Waitzkin


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