Fresh Ideas for New Beginnings
New beginnings don’t have to come with pressure or a long list of “shoulds.” In this episode, Kaileen shares eight simple ideas to help you feel connected, rejuvenated, and excited as you step into what’s next. Whether it’s the start of a new year, a new season, or just a fresh chapter in life—these ideas will inspire you to approach it with ease, intention, and a sense of possibility.
New beginnings with the New Year
When the new year arrives, there’s a lot of pressure to start things off the “right” way. Instead of checking through a list of things you “should” do, these eight ideas will help you feel connected, rejuvenated, and excited about what lies ahead.
New beginnings for a Fresh Start at Any Time
Whether a new season has arrived, you’re celebrating a birthday, just moved into a new home, or are honoring a new beginning of another kind, use the ideas below for a fresh start at any time.
Find more inspiration in the New Beginnings Collection
Take a deeper dive into podcast episodes, blog posts, and resources curated to inspire your new beginnings of all kinds.
01. Honor Where You Are
Grab your journal or go for a walk. Reflect on these prompts: What’s ending? What’s beginning? What does this fresh start mean to you and how do you want to honor it?
02. Refresh a Small Space
A physical clearing can feel so good. Select a space that needs a refresh. Dust, vacuum, take out trash, and set aside items to donate. Move things around so you can appreciate what you have. Treat yourself to something new if you’d like (but you don’t have to)!
03. Set Resolutions, Goals, and Intentions
These can build from year to year and season to season. You don’t have to get it perfect. Experiment, learn, and leave room for yourself to make progress.
Resolutions. What do you resolve to do?
Last year my resolutions were to be more timely and give myself room to breathe between things. In 2022, I want to get outside for walks + hikes.Goals. What do you want to accomplish?
Last year I wanted to focus on what was in front of me and enjoy the journey. I read The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer and was very inspired to take a softer approach to the year. In 2022, I have financial goals for my business (with a long-term goal of building a team).Intentions. What do you want to anchor to?
Setting intentions is a practice of gathering a word (or group of words) that act as an anchor back to yourself and what you want. For a new beginning each month, try setting your intentions with the new moon. In 2022, my intention is to align with my intuition.
04. Choose a Word or Phrase of the Year
You can choose one little word, a couple of words, or even a phrase. For inspiration, check out Ali Edwards One Little Word. In 2022, my words are Progress + Alchemy.
An Hour of Intuition to Change Everything
Wave goodbye to uncertainty. You’re about to get the answers you’ve been searching for and shift your life in a single hour.
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05. Pull a Card or Do a Year Ahead Spread
Select one card as an overall theme for the year, and then choose one for each month. If a card doesn’t make sense to you, pull a clarification card for more information. Here’s my 2020 spread. Learn about using your intuition while pulling cards here: Tarot Cards, Oracle Decks, and Connecting to Wisdom.
06. Make a Vision Board or Mood Board
Vision boards and mood boards are visual anchors to what you desire in the new year (or new beginning). You can make digital boards on Canva, Pinterest, Cosmos, or by creating a folder of saved images on Instagram. When you’re making a vision board IRL you can put it on a bulletin board, poster, inside your journal pages, or even on a file folder. For inspiration, scroll through my past vision boards.
07. Write a Letter to Your Future Self
One of my favorite holiday traditions is writing a letter to my future self. Give this a try! When writing to your future self, give practical advice along with encouragement. Shifting perspectives is uplifting and a great reminder that you have so much wisdom within.
08. Reflect in Your Journal
Grab your journal, light a candle, center yourself, and answer these four prompts:
What do I want to celebrate?
What do I want to cultivate?
What do I want to release?
What do I want to receive?
Choose the new beginnings that feel best for you!
No matter how you start this new beginning, know that you get to decide what works best for you. Release anything that you feel like a “should” and lean into what feels good, rejuvenating, and exciting.
Free Resources Too Good to Skip
These resources won’t just make you feel calm and connected to intuition. You’ll start to radiate a whole new energy in everyday life.
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About Kaileen Elise
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.