How to Keep Steady

Sometimes all we want is to feel steady, stable, and strong. Here’s how to keep steady and find relief from the wobbly spaces in life. Listen for an “in the moment meditation” for keeping steady, plus inspiration and ideas to try in your everyday life.

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Can you believe we’re already halfway through December? I truly cannot. This month has been flying by. Instead of wishing it to be any different, I’m flowing with the current and the way things are right now.

Do One Thing at a Time

One thing I’ve really been tuning into is doing one thing at a time. This is the guidance I’ve received from my intuition during an inner voice session when I was the client… and also while doing my favorite 8-minute journaling sessions.

If you feel inspired, give this a try. Especially during the holiday season. Focus in. Settle your attention and your awareness. Breathe through the discomfort that comes when you aren’t distracting yourself with all the things.

This Week’s Theme is Steady

As you might know, I’m hosting a month-long virtual retreat called Align 20/21. Today begins Week 3 and the theme for this week is STEADY.

The definition of steady is firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving. Sometimes all we want is to feel steady, stable, and strong. We want to find relief from the wobbly spaces in life. One way to do that is to ground down, literally. 

Try This “In the Moment Meditation” for Keeping Steady

You’ll find this guided meditation at 12:12 if you want to come back to it in the future. After the meditation, place a hand on your heart in appreciation for those few moments, taking time to connect, and settle.

Love is our steady guide on this road full of hardships. (Rumi). | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!

Quote for Steady + Reflections on 2020

There’s a quote by Rumi that I selected for this week, “Love is our steady guide on this road full of hardships.” This quote really stood out to me because of the year we all just traveled through. I thought 2020 would be magical with it’s aligned numbers and connection to clarity.

If you haven’t taken the time to reflect and consider the personal hardships you faced this year, I invite you to try that. It could be a very worthwhile and healing experience. Not to dwell, but to acknowledge.

And as Rumi says, love is our steady guide. Through it all, we can find steadiness in love. In compassion. In allowing. In trusting. In being with where we are. All guided by love.

Ritual for Keeping Steady

By welcoming and tuning into the elements, we can access peace, ease, love, abundance, and magic. If you're participating in the retreat, and you do the guided meditation, I would love to hear about it. Send an email to and tell me what insights, feelings, and connections come up.

If you’re not doing the retreat, you can still welcome the elements. Spend time in nature and also acknowledge the nature within you. We don’t always think about it, but we are part of this earth.

Can you steady yourself, with your breath, with your awareness? Anchor in and know that you are made of the same elements as everyone else and the world around you.

Now Booking Intuition Coaching Sessions for 2021

If you’re craving more connection to your intuition, your highest self, your inner voice, I invite you to book a coaching session with me in January.

If you’re craving more connection to your intuition, your highest self, your inner voice, I invite you to book a coaching session with me in January.


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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