Revisiting the Digital Sabbatical
How to Prepare for a Digital Sabbatical
Have you ever thought about taking a break from social media?
It feels safe to say that we all have at one time or another! In Episode 9 of Celebrate Cultivate, I shared about preparing for a digital sabbatical in July of 2020.
Listen to the episode to hear about my reasons for stepping off social media and what I hoped to get out of my time away. Keep reading this post for my reactions to the episode now, two years later, while I’m on another break from Instagram.
I am taking a break from producing new podcast episodes this summer. Instead, I’m following an intuitive nudge to rest and recharge this season. I am delighted by the inspiration coming my way and look forward to sharing new episodes and interviews again in the fall. Until then, we are revisiting some favorites from the archives. I hope you find ideas to explore as you celebrate the good in life and cultivate more of what you want!
How to Prepare for a Digital Sabbatical
01. Step One — you want (or need) a break
Social media and life online takes up a lot of time. You’re within arms-reach to a phone, tablet, or laptop at all times. It’s where you work, how you unwind, and the way you connect with friends.
But when you find yourself feeling disconnected and distracted after being online, you realize you want (or need) a break. That’s the first step to preparing for a digital sabbatical.
02. Step Two — Name Your “Why”
It’s a big deal to take a break from social media, so it’s important to know why you’re doing it. Here are a few reasons why you might want (or need) a break from all things digital:
for your mental health
to be more present with your family
to be hear your inner voice above all of the voices online
a creative rest or reset
What matters most is that you feel connected to your “why.”
03. Step Three — Set Your Boundaries
After you’ve decided to take a break and named your why, it is time to set your boundaries. Your digital life is yours to curate in whatever ways you desire. You can batch-respond to text messages, take email off your phone, delete certain apps (or all of them). You can be on sabbatical for a day, a month, a season, or longer. Choose what feels best to you and set those boundaries!
04. Step Four — Go for it
Once you’ve prepared for your sabbatical, it is time to shut your computer, put away your tablet, put your phone down and enjoy the benefits of your offline, in-real-life life.
+ A Gentle Reminder
When you feel the urge to quit your sabbatical, go back to your “why.” Remind yourself that nothing is permanent. You’re allowed to change your mind and do whatever pleases you. Taking a break, whether it is brief or extended, will do wonders. Keep playing with this idea of a sabbatical, define it for yourself, and be curious about what happens next!
“Sometimes you have to stop everything in order to move forward.”
Reflections Two Years Later
My digital sabbatical in 2020 was a goal I set that year. Originally, my intention was to be more present during a summer of travel. When the pandemic hit, I still wanted to unplug and connect with the retreat vibes that an intentional sabbatical can give.
This summer, two years later, my digital sabbatical is similar and different. I want to be more present with my husband and our three children through our summer adventures. And I’m wanting more space in my days to read, write, and simply be.
I am also craving a new way to market myself and my business as an intuition coach. I started to believe (like a lot of small business owners) that Instagram is the only way to connect with clients. In my heart and intuition, I know this isn’t true. So I’m experimenting and playing with the other options that are available like PR, SEO, and Pinterest.
I say in the episode, “I’ve definitely filled all the cracks and crevices of my days with apps on my phone. There really isn’t any blank space for my mind to wander or for me to daydream.” Hearing this gives me pause, but also shows me how much I’ve changed in two years. At the moment, I have ZERO apps on my phone’s Home Screen, which feels so spacious and lovely.
At the beginning of the episode, I also say that sometimes you have to stop everything in order to move forward. I love this quote and am delighted to revisit it. Stopping everything to move forward seems counterintuitive. How can you move forward without doing something? But stopping, or pausing, is sometimes exactly what you need.
Resources to Help You Prepare for your Digital Sabbatical
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I’d love to hear from you! How is your summer going? What are you currently celebrating and cultivating? Have you ever considered a digital sabbatical? Comment below or email me.
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