What Is Human Design? Resources & Why I'm Into It

What Is Human Design? Resources & Why I'm Into It by Kaileen Elise Sues. “Find the Magic” print from Janelle Miller Creative. Inquire Within Deck from Worthwhile Paper. Crystals from Illuminate Your Vibe. Frame from Target. Photo by Angela Doran…

Today on That's Pretty Woo, we’re talking about Human Design.

Have you heard of it? Are you into it?

It was channeled in the 80s by a former ad executive who combined different teachings, wisdoms, and personality frameworks. Your birth date + time determines your chart, which explains your type, authority, profile, and a bunch of other things. This article on Goop offers some background and does a great job of explaining the basics.

Look Up your human design chart on:

I’m a Projector with Emotional Authority and a 6/2 Profile.

There are professionals who can give you a chart reading. Coaches who can teach you how to use it in your business. Executives who are using it to build their teams. It is new and woo, but people are into it.

My fave resources:

  • Jes Fields - offers a ton of amazing free content on Instagram. Her Love Notes are a fantastic place to start if you want to pay for a resource. She also offers courses and coaching. I adore her!

  • Erin Claire Jones - has been a guest on several excellent podcasts, check those out. Her Blueprint was my first real introduction to diving deeper into my design. Super helpful, plus she offers a monthly call for customers to ask questions.

I've been into Human Design for about a year and I'm continuously astonished by how on-point so much of it is. This is the kind of thing that makes me believe in the magic of the universe. // What Is Human Design? Resources & Why I'm Into It. Li…

Why I’m Into It

I've been into Human Design for about a year and I'm continuously astonished by how on-point so much of it is. This is the kind of thing that makes me believe in the magic of the universe.

Through the lens of Human Design, I have learned how to lean into the pieces of my personality that always felt wrong or lazy. It has helped shape me as a mother. Given me permission to pause and "sleep on" emotionally charged decisions. Opened up my eyes to the way I interact with others.

For me, it's been a fun thing to explore because it's so new. There aren't a ton of books about it. There's lots to learn and interpret, but so much is set in sand, not stone. Learning more makes me feel like a pioneer, discovering things about myself and this life as I go.

Anything that helps us see the beauty in our quirks and the majesty in our unique path is a worthwhile endeavor.

Especially today... in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic and global crisis. With so many of us grasping at a new reality, grappling with struggles in isolation, and examining our role in the collective community. We could all use a few more tools to help us see the magic within us and the people in our world.

To learn more about Human Design, listen to today's episode of That's Pretty Woo + click here for the show notes.

Want More Woo?

There’s three episodes of my podcast that you might want to check out. Click the links to listen:

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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