New Moon Inspiration, Personal Updates, and Calming Your “Pandemic Panic”

New Moon + New Things (and a Coronavirus Update) by Kaileen Elise Sues. Photo by Angela Doran Photography.

“Creativity and motherhood can be noisy places... simple joys and magical vibes are my medicine.”

This is the phrase currently on my website's homepage. It speaks to the things the help me cope in everyday life: finding joy in small things and leaving room for magic. We are not in an "everyday life" situation right now. And I'm finding myself leaning on my woo-woo and self-care practices more than ever. It's a new moon and my birthday is a few days away. I have some updates + goodies to share!

First, let’s check in. How’re you doing?

It's Tuesday, March 24th. I haven't been out in the world (aside from walks) since Thursday, March 12th.

Our nanny moved in with us a week ago. To make space for her, we moved Merritt to Owen's room, which we are now calling "the kids room." I always wanted them to share a bedroom (and to reclaim the guest room), but I had no idea it'd be because of a global pandemic. Having help with the kids right now is a tremendous gift. One that I'm appreciating every chance I get.

It's a strange time to be navigating life. Things are normal enough that I sometimes forget what's going on in the outside world. The kids will turn 2 and 4 years old this summer, so they’re not asking questions. We're living in a bubble of duplos, Frozen 2, and takeout from our fave local restaurants. And yet, there's also an undercurrent of death, devastation, financial ruin, and fear everywhere. No one in Austin can find eggs right now. I haven’t been able to book a grocery delivery for days (we have plenty of food, just not our normal things we replenish regularly). We're isolated, but we can't keep reality from seeping in.

My husband's work is stressful and busy. But we're so, so, so fortunate that he has a job he can do from home. I'm holding onto gratitude and deep breaths. I’m showing up with as much honesty, compassion, and love as I can muster. When I've been sad and wanted to cry, I've done my best to feel the feelings and then let them flow through.

5 things calming my “Pandemic Panic”

Prompts for perspective and gratitude

The sun is shining in Austin and it's going to be almost 90° today. Things won't always be the way they are right now. It’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. But we'll be back to our old bullshit soon enough. There’s a very real part of me that wants to bottle up the perspective and gratitude I’m feeling right now. That’s the part of me asking these questions:

  • How can I learn from this?

  • What can I do to make our lives easier? And more beautiful?

  • Where can I slow down?

  • Where can I give more?

  • What will feel good right now?

  • What will feel good in 4 months?

Girl chat with my bestie Christy Lepley

I'm on another episode of Christy Lepley's podcast. We talk about how we're adjusting as things with the coronavirus have become serious. Then I flip the mic and interview Christy.

I ask about her coaching biz, masterclass, and being pregnant with her 2nd baby. It's a fun listen… especially if you're missing your friends! Click here to listen.

That's Pretty Woo Podcast is on hiatus

This news is bittersweet. I shared on Instagram stories that Jordan and I are putting That's Pretty Woo on hiatus. Our 'final for now' episode is on self-care and we recorded it before things got so crazy with coronavirus. It is perfect if you're looking for ideas and inspiration for self-care.


I'm going to miss working on That's Pretty Woo every week, connecting with Jordan + our community, and the way recording makes me want to study all things woo. But I'm taking this hiatus as an opportunity to pivot towards other projects. Celebrate Cultivate might make a comeback... celebrating our lives and cultivating what we want feels like something we all need.

New playlist: Alone Together

This new playlist has been giving me life. It's okay to not be okay. Press play, feel it all, and let it flow.

Are you setting New Moon intentions?

I shared in the last newsletter for That's Pretty Woo that my intention for this moon cycle is to connect + create. Those two things feel like bright sunshine and gentle air.

I'm leaning into my creative desires while also reminding myself to go slow. More savoring, less rushing. Do Less by Kate Northrup and Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday are two books I recommend on the topic.

Are you in the habit of setting intentions with the moon? I'd love if you shared your intentions with me.

Up Next: Turning 35 on Sunday

A few months ago when I was thinking about my 35th birthday, there’s no way I could have imagined where we are right now. I’m hoping to share another update soon because being back here + sharing my thoughts, inspirations, and musings feels like home.

If you made it through this mega post, thanks for hanging with me! Time to refill my coffee, turn on some music, and get back to my latest client’s website. Sending you love + all the vibes.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

35th Birthday Intentions + Pandemic Celebrations


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