35th Birthday Intentions + Pandemic Celebrations
How I’m Celebrating My 35th Birthday
It's my 35th birthday today. I was supposed to be in New York City with my husband, but we’re home instead. And the world is in the middle of a pandemic.
I'm not even sure what I want to say about turning 35. I don't know how to summarize the past year or how to look toward the next. Since writing helps me make sense of things, let's start with thoughts on the passage of time and then some feelings about pandemic celebrations. We'll wrap up with my 35th birthday wishes and the intentions I’m setting.
How It Feels to Turn 35
Turning 35 years old feels nice. I like the sound of it. Solid, established. Not too young, not too old. Just right for where I am. This is how we should always feel about our age, but I'm old enough to know that doesn't always happen.
At this age I know who I am. I can cook a nice dinner. I know how to do my hair. My makeup routine is easy and reliable. I enjoy my work. I have nice friends. My kids are still young, but I'm not a new mother anymore. My husband and I have been together for more than a decade. I know it's okay to ask for help. I've voted more than a handful of times. I'm connected to my spiritual side. I'm unapologetic about who I am. On most days, I really like my life.
I’m not there yet, but my 40s feel like they’re just around the corner. I'm not rushing time and I'm not complaining about aging. But, I feel like a high school freshman with her sights set on college. It has me wondering if there are choices I can make now that will pave the way for a fun and magical life in the future?
A Year of Calm for You
When you’re overwhelmed and uninspired, a few deep breaths won’t cut it. What you need is a whole new way to connect with yourself. Get ready to finally feel grounded in who you are and where you’re headed.
The Magic and Mystery of Time
I used to get overwhelmed when I thought about large spans of time. 5-year and 10-year goals made me nervous. How was I supposed to know what I wanted in the future when I struggled to decide what to order for dinner?
Getting older and having children has put a new lens on time. So much can change in a year. Your whole life can change in an instant. And yet, building something worthwhile takes time.
The contrasting truths about time befuddle and intrigue me. Though generally, I'm warming up to the idea that time isn't something to measure or manage. It is something to appreciate.
Celebrating During the Pandemic
It is such a strange time to be celebrating. And it's a strange time to be alive. You might already be aware of this, but we never know what the next day will bring. Uncertainty has always been there. But right now she is getting in our faces, reminding us that we cannot control a thing.
No one knows how long this will last or what the world will look like when it's over. Accurate information feels scarce. People are hoarding toilet paper, baby formula, and face masks.
The world has always been home to people who are sick and struggling. We've always had dictators ruling, nations at war, populations in poverty, and people taking advantage of their power. But now those realities feel universal. Now we’re all in this together.
Some people are risking their lives every day. A lot of us are at home binging on Netflix.
Recognizing the immense amount of privilege I carry, I've been trying to ground myself in appreciation and perspective. My family is safe. My kids are happy. My husband and I are able to work from the comfort of our home. Our incredible nanny moved in with us. "We are okay" is my daily mantra.
My 35th Birthday Wishes
People are canceling weddings. Laying off employees. Finding themselves without work. Some are working more than ever, without access to childcare or groceries. Some are giving birth without their partners in the room. People are dying alone. Grieving alone. So many are navigating challenges immeasurably harder than a pandemic birthday.
So for the past few weeks, I've been reminding myself not to get too bummed. I’m a white, upper class woman. Not on the frontlines in any capacity. I believe one of my duties is to shelter in place with as much positivity and appreciation as I can muster.
It might feel difficult to set goals and intentions for the next year with so much uncertainty. And yes, it feels sad not to celebrate my birthday in New York as we planned.
But here are the facts... the sun shined today, I unwrapped presents, we sang together and the kids blew out my candles before we enjoyed a delicious cake. This has been a very good birthday and we are okay.
The Intentions I’m Setting on My Pandemic Birthday
Setting intentions is a practice of gathering a word (or group of words) that act as an anchor back to yourself and what you want. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.
Intentions are a conversation you get to have with yourself. Your intentions can be simple and direct, like “breathe, flow, let go.” Sometimes (or for some people) they can be big and wordy.
Here are the intentions I’m setting for being 35 —
Trust yourself.
Leave space for magic.
Enjoy your life.
Go to bed early.
Spend time outside.
Breathe. Believe.
Let it be easy.
Take a look back at some of my past birthday intentions —
From 2017: Being 31 and Becoming 32
From 2014: Thirty Before Thirty
From 2010: 25th Birthday Wishes
Keep Reading for More Inspiration
39th Birthday Wishes + The Celebrate Cultivate Podcast is Back for Season 8
Join me as I share my feelings about turning 39, my wishes for this year, and how I’m marking the occasion. Want to set your own intentions? Read on for an easy how-to!
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.