Reflecting on 34 - Thoughts and Things From This Past Year

Reflecting on 34 |

Birthdays come and go each year. Some get a lot of attention while others pass by without notice. I was looking forward to turning 35 because it felt solid, established. But when coronavirus crashed on our shores, our plans for a weekend trip to NYC washed away. As it turned out, having a quarantine birthday wasn't so bad and I'm sure to remember it years from now.

Reflecting on 34

When the New Year arrived in January, I wasn’t quite ready for reflection. I have a bit more time on my hands now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic. Here are some highlights from being 34: what I did, where I went, and who I was this past year.

Career Reboot (Or how I found myself wanting to work again)

All I ever wanted was to be a stay-at-home-mom. I got my degree in Elementary Education because my dream was to teach at my children’s school and stay home during the summers. Then in my 20s, I realized I didn’t want to teach. I pursued a career in fast-growing startups, first in sales and marketing, then in recruiting and human resources. My creative interests blossomed. I launched my blog and took on side-projects, always exploring ways to connect and share inspiration.

Still, my dream was to have babies and stay home. I quit my job when our son Owen was born in 2016. I stayed home with him for the first 8 months of his life, then we hired a nanny part-time to help out a few hours a week. When Merritt was born in 2018, we added more hours to our nanny’s schedule. I launched the first Celebrate Cultivate workshop that fall and found myself craving more of a creative outlet.

At the beginning of last year, two local businesses hired me for copywriting and website support. That small taste of working awoke something inside me. It reminded me what it felt like to be myself — beyond my children and identitiy as a mother. Shortly after, I started taking steps towards working again. We hired our nanny full time last summer. While my work is still evolving, looking at this list has me feeling quite proud of what I accomplished at 34.

In-Person Events

On top of rebooting my career, 34 was filled with personal growth and expansion. After mostly going to baby-related meet ups for the past two years, I attended a bunch of talks and live events.

All the Woo Experts

I hired a lot of woo experts in my pursuit of spiritual connection, emotional growth, and energetic wellness. Seeing it all here makes me laugh! But really, I have so much fun playing with the universe and all the different modalities that are available.

Family + Travel Highlights

Where'd we go? And who did we hug?

In May, we traveled to Ohio to celebrate Merritt's first birthday with a sweet wildflower party. We made our way to North Carolina in July and again in December. In October, we had our first successful family-themed Halloween Costume: Wizard of Oz.

Adam and I took weekend getaways to Austin, Las Vegas, and Napa. I went on a solo trip to Arizona to visit my grandparents. We also hosted visits from our parents + grandparents here at home.

TOP Concerts

I only made it to 3 concerts this year, but they were all really good ones: Lord Huron, Maggie Rogers, and Lady Gaga.

Books I Read / Listened To

I stepped up my reading game this past year and it’s made me want to prioritize reading even more. Keeping track of my books on Goodreads is also a major motivator.

  • Yes Please by Amy Poehler

  • 10% Happier by Dan Harris

  • The Andy Cohen Diaries by Andy Cohen

  • Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

  • Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life by Suhas Kshirsagar

  • How to Breathe by Ashley Neese

  • Do Less by Kate Northrup

  • Letting Go by David R. Hawkins

  • Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

  • Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

  • Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek

  • Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

  • Big Dreams, Daily Goals by Elise Blaha Cripe

  • Whisper Network by Chandler Baker

  • China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan

  • Super Human by Dave Asprey

  • Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan

  • Hand Wash Cold by Karen Mazen Miller

  • Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

  • Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg

  • Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Interests + Hobbies

This is the year I…

Journal Entries - The words i wrote to Myself

I finished two journals while I was 34. On the day before my 34th birthday I wrote,

“This year I'm inviting myself to find calm within. More than ever. Explore, enjoy. Study and play. Human Design, Joe Dispenza. Online business magic. Trust. Trust. More magic and good are on the way."

A message on inspiration in April,

"I am here. I will show up. I will catch the ball when you throw it."

In May,

"When I trust where I am, I am free to move in any direction I want."

In August,

"This is self-care. Pausing before diving in. Quieting myself... There is a stillness within all the movement and magic in creating."

In September,

"Slow down and listen to inner voice. Connect and ask questions. Trust previous choices, no second guessing. Set intentions, create affirmations. Do soul work. Enjoy life's beauty. Be kind to myself. Nourish. Nurture."

In January,

"You want to audit everything. Refresh, clean, reset. It will all be an ongoing process. Let it go. Let it grow. Breathe. Trust. Show up and work. Allow yourself the gift of distraction. Follow the paths and see where they lead. And then take discerning action -- clear and focused. Muddled and muddy. There's room for both here. Make room."

On March 9 (one week before we began social-distancing / self-isolating) I wrote,

"Talk of coronavirus is constant. We are stocking up the pantry. It feels very far away still, but also somewhat eminent. What will we do if we have to quarantine?"

Looking ahead to 35

Today is April 1, the start of a new month and new quarter. After I hit publish on this post, I’m going to revisit my goals for 2020 and edit/adjust them for being 35. I plan to share them here soon because amidst so much change and uncertainty, this place feels like home. Thank you for being here and joining me on this journey.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Integrate, Magic, and Goals for Being 35


35th Birthday Intentions + Pandemic Celebrations