the Blog

Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues Yoga Kaileen Elise Sues

Whenever You Are Ready

In 2012, I applied for a yoga teacher training program. In the years that followed, I injured myself, moved across country, and found my way back to yoga.

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Good Eats & Gratitude Kaileen Elise Sues Good Eats & Gratitude Kaileen Elise Sues

Good Eats & Gratitude - Recipe Lust List

I have spent a ton of time in the kitchen since completing Whole Living's cleanse last month. I am trying to find the space between maintaining my focus and making smart choices while living this busy, social and (sometimes) stressful life. It's a process. My latest obsession is finding new recipes. Here are a few gems on my Recipe Lust list...

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Good Eats & Gratitude Kaileen Elise Sues Good Eats & Gratitude Kaileen Elise Sues

Good Eats & Gratitude – #WLActionPlan Week 4

It can be awkward or downright scary to break free from comfort zones, but it can also be energizing to try something new. Making sweeping changes or small alterations to our lives lifts us out of ruts. New experiences have the potential to reveal pieces of ourselves that would otherwise go unnoticed. This how I feel about my experience with Whole Living's 2012 Action Plan...

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