37th Birthday Wishes

Show Notes

My birthday was this week, so today I’m sharing a personal update with reflections on being 36 and the intentions I’m setting for being 37.

My Intentions for 37

  • Give my children space to learn and grow.

  • Expand with ease in my business.

  • Appreciate and find strength within my body.

  • Be a work in progress.

  • Allow all the different pieces to come together.

Two Words and Two Oracle Cards

My two words for the year are Progress + Alchemy. I also pulled two cards for the year.

  • Nightingale

  • Mystery

Connect with Your Intuition and Work with Kaileen

Join me for a free Inner Voice Journaling session with Jess Lively’s community The LivINg Room on Tuesday, April 5 at 2pm ET. Click here to sign up.


About the Host

Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach and host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast. She helps entrepreneurs, mothers, and soul-seekers find more alignment and ease through coaching, courses, and online retreats. Before becoming a coach full-time, Kaileen worked for a series of startups in HR and recruiting. She lives in sunny Austin, TX with her husband and their three children.

Connect with her on Instagram @kaileenelise.

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Looking Back

March 25, 2021 • Episode 56 → 36th Birthday Wishes


Photography by Angela Doran
Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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