Wrapping Up 2022 with a Personal Year-In-Review

The end of 2022 is approaching and it’s a great time to reflect on what you want to celebrate, what you want to cultivate, what you’re ready to release, and what you’re ready to receive.

Join me as I share some personal stories and reflections from this past year. Plus, lots of ideas and inspiration for creating your own year-in-review!

What is a Personal Year-In-Review?

A personal year-in-review is a fun and helpful way to check in with yourself and look back through the year. Taking a few minutes to explore what has happened in the past year (without dwelling on the past) can help you celebrate the good in life and help you decide what you might want to focus on for the new year.

As you reflect, listen to your intuition. Here are a few tips:

  • Take what you can from the experience.

  • There’s no need to force it or effort through your reflections.

  • Let this be fun, easy, and uplifting.

  • There is no formal process or “right” way to review your year.

  • Take it in bitesize pieces and do what feels good.

Step One: What Are the Main Areas of Your Life?

As you start your personal year-in-review, consider what the main areas are of your life. What are the different areas of your life where you show up or exist? There’s no need to rank or prioritize these. You can choose anything and order them however you want.

Keep reading for the six main areas of my life that I’m reflecting on for 2022.

Step Two: Ask Yourself These 4 Questions

Once you have the main areas, ask yourself these four questions for each:

  • “What do I want to celebrate?”

  • “What do I want to cultivate?”

  • “What am I ready to release?”

  • “What am I ready to receive?”

As you’re reflecting and reviewing your year, see if you notice any themes or trends. Give yourself permission to explore anything deeper that piques your interest and really let go of whatever isn’t serving you in this process.

Once you’ve completed your personal year-in-review, see what you feel inspired to do next. What is your intuition telling you? Do you want to share your reflections? Burn them? Place them where you can see them for awhile? Or are you ready to do a little manifesting?

Step Three: Play with Manifesting In the Year Ahead

Once you have reflected on your main areas and completed your personal year-in-review, a fun next step is to play with manifesting.

Take a few deep, cleansing breaths, and then fast-forward to the end of 2023.

Imagine yourself sitting down at the end of 2023. Now ask yourself the same four questions in each of the main areas of your life. What are you celebrating and cultivating? What are you ready to release and receive as you move into 2024?

Learn more about how to manifest your dreams and goals using a journal.

Give yourself a warm welcome to winter.

You deserve a light, bright, gentle season that's anchored in beauty, peace, clarity, and serendipity. Gather in community and connect to the genius and wisdom within you.

Join live on 12/21 at 7pm CST or enjoy the replay. Register today for $22.

My 2022 Year-In Review Reflections

I am delighted to share a look at what I am celebrating, cultivating, releasing, and receiving in the six main areas of my life. Let me know if any of these resonate with you or if you’re planning to create your own personal year-in-review → send me an email.

In Business

  • Celebrating — Hiring Jessica Chandler, our Community Experience Curator.

  • Cultivating — A wider range of offerings and ways to engage with this work.

  • Releasing — Hiring outside experts. I am loving my existing team. Huge thanks to everyone who helps bring my projects to life, especially my photographer Angela Doran and podcast editors over at Amplify Boutique.

  • Receiving — Aligned connections, invitations, and new clients.

In Style

  • Celebrating — Elevating home style with Jenna Barton Interiors and clothing style with Natalie Frazier - The Closet Curator.

  • Cultivating — Enjoying what I have.

  • Releasing — Perfection or the need to fix things.

  • Receiving — Aligned ways to share my home and a little more sexy style in 2023.

In Health

  • Celebrating — Nursing all three babies to 1 year old (or more)! Flowing with ups and downs in my body this year.

  • Cultivating — Vitality, longevity, timelessness in my body.

  • Releasing — Perfection or the need to fix things.

  • Receiving — More joy and ease.

In Motherhood + Family

  • Celebrating — Traveling as a family with three children for the first time. My children’s individual interests and gifts.

  • Cultivating — Patience, presence, and self-mothering.

  • Releasing — The desire to always know “what’s next?”

  • Receiving — Laughter, snuggles, and the space within to receive them.

In Community

  • Celebrating — Friendships and time with family.

  • Cultivating — More meaningful conversations and time together in person.

  • Releasing — My desire to fill my calendar and being “the person to make plans.”

  • Receiving — Invitations or space. Both are so nourishing!

In Spirit + Self

  • Celebrating — Thriving! I am feeling really connected to my intuition. When things or problems arise, I’m finding flow through the struggle.

  • Cultivating — JOY. FUN. MAGIC. BEAUTY.

  • Releasing — tired habits and old patterns in conversation.

  • Receiving — Serendipity, magic, alignment, inspired action.

Deepen Your Inner Wisdom with this Free Intuition Guide

In this FREE course, I will teach you how to strengthen your intuition in just three weeks.

Sign up now to receive daily prompts + simple practices. Your intuition awaits!

Soothe Your Spirit, Connect with Joy, and Access Your Intuition with These Resources

Practice and Play with Intuition for 21 Days
In this free course, I will teach you how to strengthen your intuition in just three weeks. Receive daily prompts and simple practices when you click here to sign up.

Give Yourself The Gift of Intuition
Book this one-hour session for a custom blend of guided meditation, intuitive inquiry, and mindset coaching to help you access your inner wisdom. It’s the perfect antidote to the holiday hustle and “New Year, New You” bustle. Connect, recalibrate, and find the answers within.

Embrace Joy in 2023, Join The Season Sessions
The Season Sessions is my signature coaching membership and community. There are private sessions to help you connect with your authentic self. Group coaching calls and room to grow within community. All the energy and encouragement to embrace joy with ease in 2023.

Winter Solstice Community Zoom on 12/21 at 7pm CST. $22 to sign up! The flow for the call will be a guided meditation, intuitive intention setting for the winter season, and then space to connect with kindred spirits. When you sign up, you’ll also receive access to a bonus energy evaluation and realignment practice that I’m excited to share with you.

Free Guided Meditation + Inner Voice Journaling on 12/30/22 at 9am CST / 10am EST
I’m hosting one final FREE Inner Voice Journaling class this year in Bella (Jess) Lively’s LivINg Room. The call begins with conversation and guided meditation, then 8 minutes of journaling, then community connection. Join us live on Friday, Dec 30th at 10am EST.

Stay tuned! We’re doing 21 Days to Intuition as a community starting January 2023.

Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here by pressing play above.

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

About Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach, founder of Celebrate Cultivate, and mom of three.

She helps her clients cut through the noise in everyday life and get back in touch with their truest selves. She found her way into this work after the birth of her second child when she realized her inner voice held answers she couldn’t find elsewhere.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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