16 Manifestation Journal Prompts to Bring More Alignment and Flow to Your Life

Updated September 1, 2024 | Originally published October 18, 2022

Journaling is a powerful tool for manifestation

Grab your journal or open a blank document. Set the mood: light a candle or burn incense, pour yourself a delicious drink, and turn on some music. Use the guide and prompts below to write your dreams into existence. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back whenever you need a burst of inspiration for your manifestation practice.

These prompts will help you deepen your intuitive connection, uncover your true desires, and move closer to achieving your dreams.

Getting Started: The Law of Attraction for Beginners

The Law of Attraction is the idea that “like attracts like.” Basically, what you think and feel gets reflected back to you in your life experiences.

I first encountered The Law of Attraction through Oprah Winfrey’s enthusiasm for The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It’s also the foundation of teachings from Abraham Hicks, channeled by Esther Hicks. If that sounds a bit “woo woo” for you, don’t worry—you’re not alone.

For a more scientific take, check out this article in Harvard Business Review. Dr. Srini Pillay explains, “There is now incontrovertible evidence that imagining a movement will stimulate the movement areas in the brain.” He adds, “In addition to helping to focus your attention by stimulating attentional networks in the brain, imagery can actually help your brain to map your path to your goal outside of conscious awareness. Imagining activates brain regions that can unconsciously map your path to success.”

More simply put, visualizing your goals activates the parts of your brain that help you achieve them—even when you’re not conscious of the process.

Manifestation is the practice of bringing your desires to life.

While every teacher has their own methods, there’s a catch most people don’t know about. Following someone else’s blueprint might leave you feeling unfulfilled, even if you achieve what you set out to. That’s because manifestation needs to be aligned with your inner wisdom to be truly satisfying.

Your intuition is the missing ingredient.

How Do You Manifest Through Journaling?

Your words and emotions are powerful forces in manifesting. Journaling channels those powers by bringing your desires beyond your inner awareness and into physical form as words on a page. When you combine intuition, gratitude, and journaling, you are manifesting.

How Does a Manifestation Journal Work?

You can begin with a dedicated journal for manifesting — or start to manifest in the journal you already own. You get to decide what approach is best for you. Trust your intuition and go with what feels good!

When you begin writing in your manifestation journal, be open to possibility. The process of manifestation is not linear. Manifestations will materialize in unexpected ways.

Don’t need to worry about “blocking your manifestations” or “doing something wrong.” These are stories from the mind (perpetuated by certain teachers) that do not align with the magic of the universe.

Instead of following a step-by-step guide, be curious and gentle with your manifestation practice. Use the journal prompts for manifesting below and explore other methods that spark your soul.

Tips for Quieting the Mind When Journaling

If your thoughts are racing as you try to journal, do something to release that energy and drop deeper into your awareness. Here are a few small, simple things to try. If you still find it difficult to focus as you’re journaling, try a guided meditation or intuition session.

  • Exhale, exhale, exhale. Breathe out to help your mind release thoughts as they arise.

  • Set your thoughts aside. Promise your mind that you’ll return to your thoughts in ten minutes when you’re done journaling. Have a sticky note nearby to jot anything down that you want to remember and then get back to your journal.

  • Invite your mind along. Sometimes all your mind wants is to be included in the conversation. While your intention is to manifest with intuition, you can make it a collaborative effort. As your mind what it wants, write that down, then go deeper.

  • Move your body. Dance, move, or shake it out. Go for a walk or do a few push-ups.

A Year of Calm, A Year for You

You don’t need to download another self-help audiobook. You need to listen to your intuition.

Imagine how it’d feel to slow down, breathe, and reconnect to the peace within you.

I created A Year of Calm to take you from feeling blocked and broken to being centered and connected.

Journal Prompts to Cultivate Appreciation

Appreciation is the key to unlocking abundance. The dictionary defines appreciation as recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

As you practice appreciation, you tune into the things that feel good and are working well in your life. That small, but significant shift, puts you on the path to alignment, serendipity, and magic.

Manifest with these gratitude prompts

  • What little details about your life give you feelings of gratitude?

  • Who do you feel inspired by and in awe of? What do you appreciate about them?

  • What big moments in your life have brought you where you are today?

  • When you look at the season that you’re in right now, what do you want to appreciate more?

Journal Prompts to Invite Your Desires

Your intuition-led manifestation process is organic and evolving. As you listen to your inner voice, you will discover your true desires — which may be different from what you “think” want.

Your truest desires might be different from what your partner, parents, friends, or community says you should want. Give yourself permission to play and be curious with all of this. Honor your unique desires. Delight in the magic of your winding path and allow it to unfold for you.

Call in your manifestations with these prompts

  • In twenty years, what memories do you want to look back on?

  • What experiences or opportunities would bring more joy into your life?

  • Who’s energy delights you? Who do you want to spend more time with?

  • What signs or tiny moments of magic do you want to invite in?

Pre-Paving Journal Prompts to Find Alignment

“Pre-Paving” is a manifestation practice to help you get in alignment with the energy of your desires in daily life. In your journal, write about the day ahead as if it’s already happened. Have fun playing with small details and big moments. This practice will elevate your energy and give you the feelings of your manifestations heading your way.

Manifest magic with these pre-paving prompts

  • “I am so happy and grateful that today I saw _____________.”

  • “The most amazing thing happened this afternoon. I was delighted that _____________.”

  • “As I was flowing through my day, a stroke of serendipity brought me _____________.”

  • “This evening, I felt a huge surge of appreciation and gratitude because _____________.”

Journal Prompts to Celebrate Manifestations

Manifestations are flowing to you all the time. When you manifest, take the time to celebrate! In your journal, write about how incredible it feels to receive your manifestations. Celebrate the flow of magic, your intuitive guidance, support of the universe, and the aligned actions you took!

Celebrate your manifestations with these prompts

  • What magic did you manifest? How did it flow to you? How do you feel?

  • How do you want to appreciate and celebrate this manifestation?

  • What are you inspired to do next now that you’ve received?

  • Write, write, write anything that flows to you in the spirit of celebration.

How to Listen to Intuition When Manifesting

When you listen to your intuition and act on the guidance from your inner wisdom, you will begin to manifest with ease! There isn’t a “right” way to access intuition. Try this and adjust as needed:

  • Turn your focus inward. Close your eyes, steady your breath, and exhale deeply when thoughts arise. Take your awareness to the space inside where you've heard your intuition before. (It could be the chest, belly, or somewhere else.)

  • Tune into your quiet knowing. Go into receiving mode and listen. Your intuition might show up with words, images, sensations, or even complete stillness. This is perfect. Ask your inner voice open-ended questions — and if anything is unclear or unsatisfying to your mind, follow up with more questions.

  • Trust with open curiosity. Your intuition is part of you. It wants what is best for you. Experiment with acting on the insights you receive. Play with trusting what comes.

Examples of Manifestations

You can manifest tiny, everyday moments that bring you delight like parking spots and rainbows. My best friend manifests pineapples and I love manifesting aligned numbers like 11:11 or 222.

You can also manifest big, life-changing situations. I manifested the perfect apartment in San Francisco and the birth I wanted for my first born. I’ve seen my clients manifest everything from unexpected income, buying and selling homes in flowy alignment, to a magical new last name after divorce.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to manifesting! So bookmark this page, grab your journal, connect with your intuition, and start calling your desires into your life.

Playlists with Manifesting Vibes

Press play on these good vibes playlists:

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

44 Intuition Quotes to Help You Trust Your Gut in Motherhood

This collection of quotes will inspire you to listen to your intuition and trust your gut so you can be less overwhelmed as a mom and be your best self in everyday life.

About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.

Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.

That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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