the Blog

Do Less, Live More: 25 Must-Read Books for Embracing Simplicity

These books will inspire you to escape the hustle, heal from burnout, declutter your home, stress less, and slow down. Perfect for perfectionists, business owners, and mothers, these are the best books to read if you’re ready to do less and live more.

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20 Inspirational Quotes About Trusting Intuition and Listening to Inner Voice

Your intuition, or inner voice, is a powerful resource that is available to you at all times. Here are 20 quotes about trusting your intuition and listening to your inner voice.

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16 Manifestation Journal Prompts to Bring More Alignment and Flow to Your Life

Your words and emotions are powerful forces in manifesting. Manifestation Journaling channels those powers by bringing your desires into physical form as words on a page.

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A Ritual for Setting New Moon Intentions and Manifesting with Intuition

Setting intentions with the moon is a powerful practice that will help you find alignment in your everyday life and manifest more with your intuition. I’ve been setting intentions with the moon for years and now I’m sharing my best ideas with you. Bookmark this and come back on the next new moon. Set your intentions and start manifesting!

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