7 Days of Self Care — Support Yourself and Stress Less this Holiday Season

Join us for seven days of self care. Simple rituals and short practices curated to help you stress less and give yourself the care you deserve as the holiday season arrives.

7 Days of Self Care, Holiday Edition

Nurture yourself in easy and accessible ways. These self-care practices are simple, gentle, and can take less than 10 minutes per day.

Follow along on Instagram for a week of encouragement starting Sunday, Nov 13th.

As you participate, know there are no rules to follow. Trust yourself and the intuitive nudges you receive. It’s okay if this takes longer than 7 days or if you skip an act of self care that’s not for you.

Day 01. Journal.

Pull out your journal or open up a blank doc. You can write freely from your intuition or answer these questions:

  • What are your hopes for the holidays?

  • What do you want to celebrate?

  • What are you ready to release?

  • Set your intentions. What energy do you want to cultivate? How do you want to feel?

Day 02. Meditate.

Sit down and breathe for a few minutes. Or if you prefer, turn on a guided meditation. I have a free one available just for the holiday season — click the button below to receive!

Day 03. Music.

Does listening to a favorite song count as self-care? Absolutely. When you need a vibe boost, turn on a good playlist. Here are two holiday-themed playlists to explore:

Day 04. Soothe.

What feels healing and soothing right now? Take a nap, or a walk, and put on lotion or fuzzy socks. Sip on a cup of tea. Do something simple that feels soothing and supportive.

Day 05. Appreciate.

Soak up appreciation throughout your day. From beginning to end, connect to your senses and your soul to appreciate the good in your life.

Day 06. Release.

Let go of what isn’t serving you. Turn your attention towards boundaries and self-care practices that help you release. Mute a group text or IG account that is making you feel gross. Ask your partner for help with holiday gifts. RSVP “No thanks” to the party you don’t want to attend. Take some things off your calendar and to-do list. Give yourself permission to drop a few balls.

Day 07. Manifest.

Invite in magic. Call in serendipity. Welcome energy and manifestations that feel delightful. Your act of self-care today is to open up your awareness to the magic all around… and celebrate when your manifestations come to you.

Self-care supports your nervous system and helps you get into alignment and flow.

Join me and our community for 7 Days of Self Care starting on Sunday, November 13. The intention is for this to be a free, easy, and fun way to support yourself.

Share and invite others to join us. Screenshot the graphic below, open up Instagram stories, and tag 3 friends to invite them to join us. (Tag me too so I can share!)

And if you're getting that nudge towards more support, sign up for a private coaching session today. Your intuition awaits!


The best gift you can give yourself.

Treat yourself to a 60-minute coaching session. Clients say these calls leave them feeling calm and grounded — with clarity about what to do next. As 2022 comes to a close, give yourself the gift of intuition! Book your session today.


Join Me for a Free Guided Intuition Journaling Session

Inner Voice Journaling is a powerful practice for accessing the wisdom within you. I’m hosting another FREE Inner Voice Journaling with Bella (Jess) Lively’s community The LivINg Room.

Our time together will begin with a guided meditation, then 8 minutes of journaling with your inner voice, then finish with connection and conversation. Bring questions to ask your intuition or come to enjoy that aligning, magical wisdom within. (FYI this call is live and not recorded.)

Learn more and save your spot: Nov 18 at 10am EDT

Links + Resources to Explore

  • The Season Sessions: my signature coaching membership and community. Connect with your authentic self. Grow within community. Expand into your dreams with ease.

  • How to Avoid Stress and Have a Mindful Holiday Season: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and dream about how amazing it would feel to slow down this season. See yourself truly appreciating the magic in the mundane. Imagine how meaningful it would be to celebrate and connect with those you love most.

Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here by pressing play above.

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

About Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach, founder of Celebrate Cultivate, and mom of three.

She helps her clients cut through the noise in everyday life and get back in touch with their truest selves. She found her way into this work after the birth of her second child when she realized her inner voice held answers she couldn’t find elsewhere.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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