Aligning to Your Magic

What does aligning to your magic mean? And how can you do more of it in everyday life? Listen for a conversation about magic, why it’s valuable, and how to invite it in. I share inspiration for exploring these topics on your own. Plus, a few ideas for playing with magic in easy, accessible ways.

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What is Aligning to Your Magic?

First, you need to determine what magic means to you. Then you can align to it doing things that connect to the magic in your everyday life? Here are a few questions to consider —

  • What sparks wonder within you?

  • What reminds you of why you're here?

  • What anchors you to joy, connection, happiness?

Aligning to your magic elevates everyday life but in an easy and accessible way. It also brings alignment and flow, which is something I know many of us desire

How to Align to Your Magic

Find the good in your life. Loosen your grip, open your eyes. Watch for small bits of magic in aligned numbers, green lights, parking spots, hot coffee, etc,

Do small things that feel good and magical to you. Put on lotion, light a candle, treat yourself, or go for a walk.

Make Time for Magic

I'm offering two special sessions in May. These are perfect if you're wanting extra magic and 1:1 support with accessing your inner wisdom.


90-minute session to bring magic to all aspects of you. This is a coaching and intuition session. We’ll begin by talking about any questions or roadblocks you're facing. Then we'll go into your intuition for guidance on how to spark more magic in your life. We will finish with a conversation about integrating your inner wisdom in easy, actionable ways.

$333 → click here to schedule

Magic Mini

 Dive into magic with this 44-minute intuition session. Inhale, exhale, and listen as I guide you beyond the mind and into your inner voice. I'll ask your intuition about how inspiration shows up for you and how you can connect to flow and magic in everyday life.


$144 → click here to schedule

Giving Yourself Permission | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Image via @gingermias

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Celebrating the Good in Life


Giving Yourself Permission