Celebrating the Good in Life

Listen to learn why adding celebration to your every day will help you feel more grounded and at ease. In this episode, I share how to celebrate the good! If celebrating usually means cake and balloons for big occasions, this conversation will give you some ideas for bringing that magic to the small pockets of daily life. Tune in and take a deep breath. Your life is worth celebrating!

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It’s season 3, episode 62 and I’m just getting around to an episode specifically dedicated to celebrating the good in life. All timing is divine, so I’m trusting that I’m meant to share this conversation now.

What Does It Mean to Celebrate?

The dictionary defines celebrate as, “acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.”

Of course, I had to look up significant too! Here’s what the dictionary has to say, “sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.” 

You get to decide what celebrate and significant mean to you. One thing to consider is that you might not be celebrating the small things because there’s a huge emphasis on the big things in life. There’s a tendency to reach for the large milestones, but there is so much more to life than the big things. 

Dwell In the Middle

Amber Burns (on Instagram @byamberburns) recently started a podcast called Thank You For Asking. Her first episode is called You Can’t Always Start Strong. In it, she talks about the importance of middles, which is really where so much of life happens.

This intention and focus I have on celebrating the good in life totally aligns with the episode. It’s not always about celebrating the magnificent and most amazing, it’s celebrating the good and the middle. Simple pleasures, small moments, the things you do with zero recognition. The things that are just part of you. It’s all worthy of celebration!

How to Celebrate the Good

Not sure where to begin with your celebration? Here are a few things to consider and ideas to try —

  • Play with redefining what celebration means to you

  • Celebrate and honor yourself through self-care rituals

  • Dance parties are a great way to celebrate

  • It’s super common to celebrate through food — consider, how can you bring nourishment to your celebration? Here’s that Jammy Soft-Boiled Egg I mentioned.

  • Journal and meditate on celebration, what it means to you, and how to do bring more in.

Share the Celebration

I hope this conversation provides you with a few things to consider and ideas to try. If you feel inspired, take a screen shot of the episode and share it to your social media. Leave a comment about what celebrating the good means to you. Be sure to tag me, I’m @kaileenelise.

This May, Make Time for Magic

I'm offering two special sessions coaching sessions this month. These are perfect if you're wanting extra magic and 1:1 support with accessing your inner wisdom.


90-minute session to bring magic to all aspects of you. This is a coaching and intuition session. We’ll begin by talking about any questions or roadblocks you're facing. Then we'll go into your intuition for guidance on how to spark more magic in your life. We will finish with a conversation about integrating your inner wisdom in easy, actionable ways.

$333 → click here to schedule

Magic Mini

 Dive into magic with this 44-minute intuition session. Inhale, exhale, and listen as I guide you beyond the mind and into your inner voice. I'll ask your intuition about how inspiration shows up for you and how you can connect to flow and magic in everyday life.

$144 → click here to schedule

Celebrating the Good in Life | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Image via Maddi Bazzocco

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Cultivating More of What You Want


Aligning to Your Magic