Cultivating More of What You Want

A conversation about honoring your desires in alignment with your intuition. Plus, a reminder that cultivating more of what you want isn’t always about taking action. It can also mean ease and clarity, focus and surrender. This episode includes journal prompts and ideas to try if you’ve been wanting to find that balance between appreciating your life as it is while moving towards your dreams.

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Last week we talked about celebrating the good in life, so this part two. If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode yet, click here afterwards to tune in. They really go well together.

How to Honor Your Desires (in an aligned and easeful way)

  • Connect to intuition

  • Discover what you want

  • Give yourself permission to change

  • Follow the next step

Decide What Cultivating Means to You

Cultivating more of what you want doesn’t have to mean taking action. It can mean ease and clarity, focus and surrender.

When we talk about ease, it is more than napping and doing what’s easiest. The most easeful things often require true connection and conviction. They might even be uncomfortable to your mind, even if it’s the most easeful choice.

4 Journal Prompts to Explore

Not sure where to begin with your celebration? Here are a few things to consider and ideas to try —

  1. I want less ______ and more ________ in my life.

  2. I can cultivate those by ______________________.

  3. My everyday life already has _________________.

  4. I want to continue appreciating _____________.

2 Ideas to Try Today

  1. Baby steps are still steps. Look for the smallest ways you can align with your desires. What can you do today, right now, that will give you similar feelings to what you truly want?

  2. Curate and clear out. Saying no, or not right now, to things you not longer want to cultivate is as important as anything else. As you go about your days, see how you can curate the experience you desire now (and that aligns with your desires). Give yourself permission to clear out what isn’t serving you.

I hope this conversation helped you see how you can honor your desires and cultivate more of what you want in an aligned and easeful way. Remember, this isn’t always about hustling and taking action. You will have seasons when clarity and focus are best for you and other times when ease and surrender are how you get where you want to go. 

If you feel inspired, take a screenshot of the episode and share it to your social media. Leave a comment about how you’re cultivating more of what you want. Be sure to tag me, I’m @kaileenelise.

Last Call for Magic in May

I'm offering two special sessions coaching sessions this month. These are perfect if you're wanting extra magic and 1:1 support with accessing your inner wisdom.


90-minute session to bring magic to all aspects of you. This is a coaching and intuition session. We’ll begin by talking about any questions or roadblocks you're facing. Then we'll go into your intuition for guidance on how to spark more magic in your life. We will finish with a conversation about integrating your inner wisdom in easy, actionable ways.

$333 → click here to schedule

Magic Mini

 Dive into magic with this 44-minute intuition session. Inhale, exhale, and listen as I guide you beyond the mind and into your inner voice. I'll ask your intuition about how inspiration shows up for you and how you can connect to flow and magic in everyday life.

$144 → click here to schedule

Cultivating More of What You Want | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Image via Nathan Oakley

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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Celebrating the Good in Life