Embracing Magic In Everyday Life with Magical May

When you shift your focus away from the dramas of daily life and start to embrace magic, all sorts of alignment and flow unfolds. In today’s episode, Kaileen shares four fun stories from her everyday life as examples. She also reveals the details of her upcoming course and group coaching program, Magical May. Want to join us? The doors are open. Sign up today!

What happens when you look for magic and let it into your life?

  • You will feel less stress and anxiety around what to do and how to do it in everyday life. Instead, you will flow gently from one thing to the next.

  • You will stop overthinking and start living with more clarity.

  • You will start to notice alignment and synchronicities. 

  • You will begin to navigate the daily ups and downs with a deep sense of inner peace.

Listen to today’s episode for some recent examples of this kind of magic in my life:

  • Finding a parking spot downtown and arriving for my lunch date at the perfect time.

  • Manifesting two new ear piercings without an appointment.

  • Receiving wisdom from a bartender just hours after going to an Abraham Hicks workshop.

  • Watching the (delayed) Love is Blind reunion while my baby took a nap on me.

Transcend daily dramas. Embrace magic this May.

A whole month of magic

Access inner wisdom on the daily. Connect with kindred spirits. Feel the magic in your life. Magical May is a group coaching program in the month of May that includes a private intuition session, group coaching calls, weekly meditations, prompts, and so much more.

How would it feel to spend a month letting go of what isn’t serving you and letting more magic into your life?

Pause for a moment and imagine your days filled with ease. See yourself in alignment, flowing from one thing to the next. Feel how it feels to navigate the everyday ups and downs with a deep sense of inner peace.

Magical May is a course and group coaching program on the life-changing magic of intuition.

Here’s what you get when you join:

  • One private intuition coaching call and four live group coaching sessions

  • Audio lessons, guided meditations, practices, playlists, and prompts on four weekly themes

  • Community Voxer room for connection and real friendships

  • Three bonus guided meditations to set intentions and tune into the energies of the full moon and new moon

Guess what? You don’t have to try so hard to be happy with where you are.

This is truly life-changing

If you’re depleted, restless, discouraged, or ready to shift your energy, Magical May will help you appreciate the magic in your life and reconnect to your truest self.

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  • Welcome to Celebrate Cultivate a podcast about celebrating the good in life and cultivating more of what you want. I'm your host Kaileen Elise. My intention is to offer deep breaths and ideas for appreciating the magic in everyday life. I'm here to help you. Listen to your intuition, trust your inner wisdom, and act with inspiration. Let's get to it. Hello, hello. Welcome back to the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, I am your host Kaileen Elise Sues. And this is episode 144. Today, I am talking about embracing magic in your everyday life. And this is because my annual course magical May is coming soon. I know many of you have heard about magical May, and quite a few of you have joined me in this experience in years past. I am beyond excited for what lies ahead in this year's program, it's going to be so wonderful. And I'm just really looking forward to sharing about it and working with those of you who feel aligned and called to join me. But first, I just want to talk about what happens when you look for magic and let it into your life. So for me, it helps to define terms. And magic is one of those things that can kind of be interpreted by different people in different ways. But for me, it is the feeling of joy and love and insight. Magic is like the connection point, to my intuition and to alignment and flow. And it isn't often, like humongous things that feel magical to me. But it's in the small little details of everyday life. And so magical May and this idea of looking for magic and letting it into your life is really rooted in the tiny pleasures and aligned moments in daily life. For example, right now I'm sitting in my closet, it's the evening, which I don't normally record at night. But that is how my day flowed today. So the kids are tucked in. I'm I tidied up my closet. So it feels really good. I've got a palo santo candle burning. And I just have this feeling of like joy and happiness and excitement and seeing that flame of the candle flicker, like out of the corner of my eye just feels like sparkle and happiness and not in like a overly done way but just in like a subtle goodness of how magical is it that I get to sit here and talk to you and share about connecting to magic? Like how can this even be a thing that I'm doing it just I mean, if I have spent a little bit of time recently, with a friend of mine who we met through blogging in I started my blog in 2009. She started hers earlier than that. And back then I talked about magic a lot and it was like aspirational. It was like something that I wanted more of in my life and I had tiny glimmers of it. And now I feel like all these years later, I have cultivated a connection to magic that feels so good to me. And it might not magic might not be the word for you. But it certainly for me is just this underlying feeling of of goodness of alignment of peace and flow. And so that's what I'm talking about when I say what, when I'm looking for it and letting it in. That is what it is that I'm talking about. And what happens when you when you do that and you cultivate a practice of doing that is that you feel less stress and less anxiety in your everyday life. And it doesn't mean that you never feel stressed or you never feel anxiety but you feel less of it. And then when you do notice those things, you have this practice to help you flow through that search through it you know, not push through it but be with it and also it's an and not an OR and Notice the magic in your life and call for more magic support in your life. And when you do that, you can flow from one thing to the next in your daily existence, with a little less of that tension of like, planning a really little detail and thinking about every single thing and that rumination, and that mental ticker of this, and then this, and then this. And then this. I know for many of you in this community, that is like a big burden that you have in your mental carry of like, I gotta keep track of all this stuff, I gotta do all these things, I gotta remember all these things. And I totally understand how that feels. And I have been there, believe me, I've been there. But one of the things that cultivating a connection to my inner voice, and appreciating the magic in everyday life, one of the things it's given me is a lot more faith in the flow of things and a lot more trust in the unfolding of the universe. And a lot more witnessing of how things do magically fall into place when I let them. So when you do this, you will stop overthinking so much. There will be times when you still overthink and that's okay. And then you will also live with a deeper sense of clarity. And clarity is like one of these things that I feel like everybody talks about myself included, I have a deep love for clarity. But what I thought clarity was many years ago is different than how I experience clarity. Now for me, clarity is, honestly it's really being okay, with things being super fuzzy, most of the time, clarity is knowing that the knowing will come, the answers do come. But I don't have to have them all at once. So clarity is almost like a permission slip, at least for me at this point of where I am. Clarity is a permission slip to let things not be so clear, and know that they will come in their own time in their own way. Clarity does come but it is it always like a four, poster of clarity. It's like a postcard of clarity. Does that make sense? So you will stop overthinking, and you will live with clarity. But it will be perhaps less clarity than you mentally think that you want to have at this point. That's kind of where I've come to understand my relationship with clarity is that I don't need as much clarity as I originally thought I needed. And that's a really cool thing, because then that opens the door for again, possibility and magic and synchronicities to come in. Because if you are like crystal clear on every single thing throughout the day. I don't know, I want I'm tempted to say that you might be setting yourself up for disappointment, but maybe not, you know, I could be wrong. But for me, living with a little bit more of an open hand has been a lot more enjoyable. And it lets those sparks of insight and clarity come on their own time without it being my responsibility to seek out clarity. It just comes. And when you look for magic and let it flow into your life, your days begin to find their own cadence towards ease, and synchronicities and alignment and magic kind of come in and help flow from one thing to the next. It makes it so that you can navigate the ups and downs of everyday life with a deep sense of inner peace and trust in yourself and in your intuition. Again, it doesn't mean that stuff that you don't like isn't going to happen, right? Like, I mean, in this practice, I have such an anchor in reality because I've got three little kids, you know, got an 18 month old, an almost five year old and an almost seven year old You know, they're, they're getting older, but they're still quite small and so young. And so we've got tantrums and blow outs and all sorts of unsavory events in our everyday life, just by nature of having little children. And so there are ups and downs, and there's a lot of emotions. But I have been able to flow through those with a lot more inner peace, because I pay attention to, and celebrate, and welcome in magic, and support from the other realms of existence, you know, beyond what I can see and hear and taste and touch and smell, I truly do believe there are other elements at play. And so interacting with those and witnessing them really can make a huge difference. So I want to give you some recent examples of this kind of magic in my life. The other day, I went to go see my friend, Carolyn, who, like I said, we met through blogging many, many years ago. And I had planned kind of my route and how I was going to meet her and I had an errand that I needed to stop in for. And I was cutting things pretty close on time. And on the schedule, where I didn't know if it was gonna, if I was going to be there on time. And not that this is this is not a theme for me, I don't, I'm not all that often late. But maybe it is a theme because I do cut things close pretty often. Like, again, I got three little kids, I'm trying to fit a lot into my my days, and I don't always leave room to breathe. And at any rate, it I do have a really strong trust and all timing being divine. And I really, really do believe in divine timing and things just working out for the best and highest for me and for those around me. And so I was driving downtown Austin, parking down here can be a little crazy. And I knew exactly where I was going. And I had two options. I could go to the parking garage, or I could try for street parking, which would be free, but also a little bit quicker timing wise if I got a good spot, and if I got it quickly. And so I was like okay, intuition. Like you tell me, should I go to the parking garage? Or should I try to park and I heard Park. Okay, so I'm gonna go try to park and looking at like Google Maps, I had it pulled up, I still probably could have parked and made it on time ish, I would have been parking at the time that I was supposed to be meeting her sort of in a few minutes late. I was like, okay, that's fine. This is low risk, right? Like, it really doesn't matter. Either way. I'm in the vicinity of the restaurant, generally at the right time, and I'm going to meet a friend who's just gonna say, Oh, don't worry about it. Take your time already grabbed the table, like, you know, I know the scenario, it's going to be okay. So anyways, I turn left at the light to go find the parking spot. And I drive down this street is like this, this is the street I'm going to park on, but there's no spot. So I drive all the way down, I find a place to turn around. And now I'm driving back down the street that I just drove down. But also I'm driving towards the parking garage and I'm like, Okay, well, that wasn't right. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna have street parking, but it's okay. And as I'm getting to the very last possible place to park my car, the car that's parked in that spot, puts on their blinker and pulls out. So like, at the very last possible moment, the spot that's closest to the restaurant opens up, and I park and I meet my friend. And it was I got there at the perfect time, like right on time. And so it was like, okay, you know, that's what I mean. It's not this like, big life altering thing, but I had no stress in a situation that typically would be stressful for me. And in past times, I had just this trust and like it's all going to be okay. It doesn't matter. This is like a fun little thing. I heard. Find a parking spot. I'm going to just go try to find one and I did and then it's like the celebration, I believe really helps gain momentum. So when you have that little Moment of magic in your life pausing to celebrate it is one of the things that makes the biggest difference. So that's one example. On that same day, I was, Carolyn and I went walking around South Congress Street. And we went into a store and I said, Oh, sometimes they do these like, cool little piercing pop ups where you can get a piercing at this boutique. And it's like a really high end boutique. So it's just it was like a, it's a cool vibe. And I was just like, having conversation with her. Like, I just randomly brought that up. And she's like, Yeah, that would be really cool. Like, do they have any of those stores here where you can get a piercing because I've been wanting one. And that's like a cool souvenir to bring home from Austin. I don't have to pack it, you know? And I was like, No, I don't think so. And I too, had been wanting to get, I have one hole, I have one second hole in my left ear. And I don't have a second hole in my right ear. So I've been wanting to even them out and have second holes in both ears. Because I have one pair of earrings that Adam gave me for Christmas this year. That they're like a pearl and two diamonds. They're very dainty and pretty. I love them. And I'd really like to wear them in my second hole sometimes. But I have two of them. So I I just wanted to get another piercing to even it out. And so I was like, Yeah, I've been I've been wanting to do this for well since Christmas. But even before then I had been wanting to get another piercing and I specifically was thinking about it around my 38th birthday, which happened last month, like oh, if it happens, I would love to I really never really wanted to like go out of my way to make an appointment and go get the second PRC and I just kind of knew, at some point, I'll get it. And I'm just gonna let it flow. And as a side note, this is kind of one thing that I've been learning about with manifestation for me personally, is that there's many times I'm like a very action oriented person. And so there's been many, many times over the last decade or two that I've been playing with manifesting that I have done the thing that I wanted to manifest out of sheer doing it, like I could easily have made the appointment to go get my ears pierced. But instead I was just like, No, I'm gonna let it flow. And I'm not saying one is right or wrong. I went through many years of like making stuff happen for myself that I you know, I felt like, Oh, I could have manifested this, but I'm just gonna do it anyway. And now I'm in a point where I'm like, Okay, again, my life is very full. I've got these three little kids and a business and all these things like I'm going to play with more allowing and less action. And so this is a perfect example. I was like out with her. And we so we were planning on going to a particular store. And we're walking in this direction. And as we are walking this way, and we're having the conversation about oh, no, it'd be a cool souvenir. And definitely, we walk right into a studs, which is a piercing place on South Congress that I didn't know was there because it's a newer store. And I haven't shopped on South Congress in a really long time. And we pop in, and I was like, Oh, my goodness, this is crazy. Like, this is exactly the kind of thing that we were talking about. That would be so cool. And so we asked like, well, what's the process? And they said, Oh, well, we're appointment only. We're like, Oh, cool. Well, do you have any appointments today? And she's like, Yeah, well, we have one in the afternoon. But we could also take you right now if you want to. And we were like, Yeah, let's do it. So she got two piercings, and I got two piercings, I got that one that I've been wanting. And then then one of my cartilage, which I've never had a cartilage piercing, and it's very dainty. And I was I wasn't, I was, like, a little nervous and like, not sure, like, I knew I definitely wanted the second hole, but I didn't know about the cartilage one. And, you know, I was like, it doesn't like, it doesn't matter. If I the only thing I was worried about is if I was gonna like it aesthetically or not like I wasn't worried about the pain or the healing or anything. And I was like, I could just take it out. If I don't like it. You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't matter at all. But it was such a fun thing. And I actually do really like it. So that's a perfect example of manifesting beyond what the minds idea of an ideal scenario might be, which is something that I really enjoy playing with. And even as it relates to magical May, and witnessing, calling in celebrating the magic in your life, is just this underlying trust. that you might have, in your mind an ideal scenario. But do you believe in the possibility of things being even better than that, and letting it over to the universe, your higher self, whatever you want to call it, God's source, like letting that delight and surprise you beyond what your mind might have thought. Okay, you want two more examples, I've got him for you. This episode might be a little bit longer than normal. We'll see how it flows. But the next one I want to share. Gosh, actually, there's three more. Let's just go into it. So the next one I want to share with you is I went to go see my friend Jordan, who I had the that's pretty whoo podcast with a few years ago, and she is my hairstylist. And I've been seeing her for I think it's been almost 10 years now. And she had fit another client in at my same appointment. And we both have a lot of hair. And we had a lot of color to process. And I wasn't really paying attention to the time at all. But I knew that she had fit in this other client. And I knew that I had plans for Pilates at one o'clock. And my hair's done, we're checking out like, I haven't looked at my phone at all. And as I'm, we're using the phone, oh, I was looking to schedule my next appointment, I opened my phone, and it says it's 115. And I'm across town. And my Pilates session was supposed to start at one. And remember earlier when I said that don't have a habit of being late. Well, and these are examples of divine timing, because I texted Keita, my Pilates teacher, it was a private session. She's also a dear friend. And I said, Oh my gosh, I can't believe it like I am. So she knew I had a hair appointment. I said, I'm just checking out like, I'm 15 minutes away. And I'm still in like, not my workout clothes. I can't make it. And she said, That's okay. Don't worry, like, I'm gonna waive the fee because you're such a great client. And I didn't even ask her to do that. She just offered. And she was like, actually, my day is like back to back to back. And I could use a little break. And I was like, Okay, perfect. So it really did sound like it was alignment for her. It sounded like you know, she could have, she could use the break. And Jordan got to fit in her other clients. And I was actually pretty hungry, and I hadn't eaten. So like, I'll take myself to lunch. So I went to a cute little place in Austin for lunch that's near my house. And I got a glass of wine and had a delicious meal and got to work on magical may like some of the backend stuff that I've been wanting to do. And it was like this perfect example of again, how things can turn out better than you imagined. Because I would have never planned that afternoon for myself. I had already booked Pilates. And I don't usually make it a habit of like having a glass of wine at lunch. And yeah, that's just not the afternoon I would have planned but it turned out to be so perfect. So aligned slightly, you know, delightfully magical. And then the next one is after I went and saw Abraham Hicks with Jordan, which I will talk more about our experience going to see Abraham Hicks soon because it was so cool. But afterwards, we went out to dinner, but on our way we walked over there and we stopped at a bar. And we were like kind of hot. It was like a hot afternoon. We'd walked a half a mile maybe in the in the sun. And so we were thirsty. We were excited to have cocktails and we came to the bar with an energy that was maybe a little too eager. And the bartender, we were like grabbing the menus. And the bartender looked at us and said like, Let me serve you. And like just he literally said, like whole paragraphs that Abraham Hicks had just said to us, like just allow, like he threw out all these buzzwords, I can't even do it justice and telling the story. Because it was like out of a movie. It was like he was an angel from heaven. Or he was channeling Abraham Hicks. I don't know it was surreal. I mean, we both looked at each other cracked up laughing out of just delight and surprise, because we had just sat in a conference room with Esther Hicks channeling Abraham Hicks for five hours for Were hours. And then we like got wrapped up in everyday life and we weren't being rude or anything. We were like happy and excited. We just had this like pretty forceful energy. Like, yay, let's get drinks. And he was like, chill, you know, like, Let me serve you. Everything's fine. I've got the menus for you like it was it was the, the softening of the energy. It was really cool. And again, an example of like, how, you know, sometimes in life at bartender can say that to you, and you'd be like, Whoa, do chill out, you know, you can like push back. And other times you can, like, see like, Oh, my goodness, this is like such a perfect, magical reminder of everything that Abraham Hicks just told us. And from a very unlikely source or by bartender, you know. So, again, just an example of like little moments of magic in your everyday life going about things. This last one is a slight confession, because I have been mildly obsessed with the show love is blind on Netflix. And if you've watched season four or been on social media, then maybe you know that they were supposed to do a big live reunion over the weekend. And then they didn't because I guess live TV is a difficult thing for a streaming service. Whatever happened, I was planning on watching it live on Sunday night when it was supposed to come out. And it didn't. I was like, Oh, that's a bummer. And then today is Monday when I'm recording this and our nanny was out sick today. So I was home with Neil the baby, which is why I'm sitting here tonight recording this instead of doing it during the day. And anyways, Neil also decided not to nap today. So we was all out of sorts, but I ended up having to rock him for him to take a nap, which isn't totally unusual, but it's not that normal. And I certainly wasn't counting on it. But before I did, I grabbed my headphones and the timing worked out perfectly for me to hold him for his entire nap because I already tried to let him sleep normally once and he'll he woke up like 20 minutes into his nap. So I was like, okay, that's not gonna count as your nap. So I held him for an hour and a half. And I watched the love is blind reunion in the rocking chair, holding my sleeping baby are already canceled my whole day like planned on just chillin with him. I was probably going to take a nap or clean during his nap anyways. So I was like, You know what, this is just a bonus. This is just a little moment of magic. I wouldn't have had anything else to watch, because I really haven't been watching anything else. But love is blind. So if we had watched the reunion last night, then I wouldn't have had it at nap today. So just really kind of celebrated. The synchronicity that like clicking into place that little magical moment of like, Okay, well I'm here with this baby, he's sleeping on me, that's great. It feels really nice to cuddle him and like hold him but also I'm getting to watch my show that I wanted to watch last night. So again, these are like not huge, life changing examples. These are just little tiny moments of magic, and alignment and flow in my everyday life. And examples of how when you cultivate this practice of listening to your intuition of trusting what you hear of taking aligned action, of inviting in magic and celebrating it when it comes and witnessing the magic that you already have in your everyday life and appreciating it. How anxiety and stress and overthinking and people pleasing and all these other things that we just do as humans or just happened to us as humans, they can soften ever so slightly. So now I want to share a bit about what magical May is and just talk more about the experience and and share it with you and I invite you in to to join me this year for magical May. So magical May is a course on the life changing magic of intuition. And here's what you get when you join. You get four live group coaching calls on zoom with the replays available if you aren't able to join live, there's weekly audio lessons and guided meditations and prompts and rituals on the weekly themes. And week ones theme is clarity. Week twos is courage. Week three threes is connection and weak fours is choice. There's also a group Voxer room for you to connect With people who feel the way you feel have challenges that you have have the same dreams that you have have the same practices as you write these practices of connecting to intuition of connecting to magic, who have some similarities, a lot of similarities, but have other experiences and differences to who you can connect with and establish real friendships with people who have been in magical Maine years past have cultivated true friendships with the other participants. And if you've been here, you know that. And then there's also three bonus meditations and inner voice journaling rituals for you to enjoy. So a little bit about just like me as a coach, and this program in general, in case you're new here, or you need a refresher. So I've been an inner voice coach since the end of 2020 2020. And in that time, I've done well over 101 on one inner voice sessions, I got my certification in 2020, from Jess lively, now, Bella lively, I completed IVF T. And since then, I've been a squad leader in two rounds of IVF. Tea, so helping other people get that certification. And I am the founder of this podcast, celebrate, cultivate, but also the season sessions, my membership. And magical may started before all of that magical may started five years ago in 2019. So I've been teaching this course for a long time. And the reason why I'm so passionate about intuition, enter voice and magic is because it really has transformed my life experience how I live day to day is totally different. Now my same interest and magic and inspiration and all that has been there for ever. But the way I handle stress, and the way that I flow through everyday life is so much more peaceful and calm. Again, not to say I never yell at my kids or get frustrated with my partner. Those things happen. But I'm so much more compassionate with myself and with others. And I feel so much peace even when I'm losing it. So I really believe in it, because it has changed my life. But then it's also been something that I've seen so much transformation, and the clients that I work with the weekly themes of magical may are the same this year as they were last year. And the reason why I'm keeping them the same is because it was really an impactful years experience last year. And I believe there's more to explore in these topics. So if you're coming back for another year, and we did these last year, I really believe it's going to be a deeper experience. And if you've never done magical, maybe before, I think you're really going to enjoy these topics. Because when we explore clarity, courage, connection and choice, with the lens of inner voice and intuition and magic, there's just so much to discuss, and unpack and uncover and integrate. And so with each of the weekly calls, the topic of magic and inner voice will be kind of the main thing. But then we'll do it with these different subjects along the way. And as we flow through magical May, we'll connect in that group Voxer room on an everyday basis every week basis. So diving deeper into these different subjects and your experience of magic, your questions, your inner wisdom in that. The other thing you get, which I cannot believe I didn't say earlier, is that you also get a one on one session with me. So I'm adding that into the magical may experience this year. It hasn't been in years past part of the package. But this year, you'll get a mini one on one session with me for everyone who signs up. There'll be a 44 minute session. So if you're in the season sessions, or you're an ongoing client of mine, then we can use this 44 minute session to really dive into the topic of magic and get to your inner voices wisdom on how you can experience more magic in your life, how you can call it in or we could use it releasing beanbags that are getting in the way of your experience with magic and if you're an New Client or you've never done this before, the inner voice session being 44 minutes is going to be perfect for you. Because we'll just dive right in, you'll get a little taste, it'll, it is just going to I'm so excited, it's gonna be so good. So that's a little bit of you know, what you get and how it'll flow. With the guided meditations and the journaling, those are just really going to add to your experience and help you become more aware of the magic in your life help you call it in help you experience it and celebrate it more. And again, that group Voxer room is really just going to be there as a place for you to come when you want, leave when you want make those connections, if that honors and serves you. And if it's like, you know, not where you want to be, that's okay too. Voxer rooms and coaching programs each have their own energy, and I have been a personal participant in some where I was like, okay, I can take or leave that. And then I've been in others where, you know, it was just like a wonderful enriching place to be. That's, of course, my intention with our Voxer room and what I've experienced in years past when we've had it, but it is also to say everybody is invited to know their own energy and their own commitment levels. And your I just trust again, with that divine timing, and in the best and highest for everyone that whatever you do in the program, if you're in alignment with yourself, it's going to be exactly what you need. So like I said, This is our fifth year of magical May, it started in 2019, and has grown every year since. And this year, I added the one on one session, and also a deeper focus on intuition. Because that's where I am right now, I'm really kind of like deepening into my experience of my inner voice. And the sessions that I'm doing with clients now are, I believe, even like, deeper and more transformative than they were a year ago. That's the feedback that I'm getting from my clients as well. So I you know, I know that this is the case for them. And I am just so excited to welcome in anyone who feels excited and aligned to do this program, it costs $444 to join, and you can sign up now at Kaileen elise.com. You can also just click the link in today's show notes to go there. And when you sign up, you will have immediate access to the intro module, a place for you to book your mini session, there's a welcome questionnaire and an intro audio message. There's links to all the group coaching calls and instructions on how to get started with the fox or room. So when you sign up, there's going to be you know, things for you to play with already. And then the way that I've structured it this year is the calls will be on Mondays at noon central time, and the replays will be available shortly after that. But the week's worth of content will be available the week before. So that makes sense. So the first week starts on May 1, the content for week one will actually be available to you on May 24. So this is just so we can enjoy a little bit of fluidity with the content. You can do the guided meditation and the journal prompts before the call on May 1. Or you can let me first be the that Monday call can be the kickoff for your week. But there's just a little bit more room to explore and play in the content as it flows. So again, I'm really looking forward to welcoming you in if you feel like it's a good fit. Before I wrap up the episode I want to share a few testimonials from past magical may participants. Janelle said this is what I needed to tap into things I have access to but don't use often. Thank you for providing a framework for me to find magic in my everyday life. Taryn said the weekly calls really exceeded my expectations. The group grew really close and there were just so many beautiful perspectives being shared. Laurie wrote, I realized that it's okay to be where I am. And that the most important thing is to be present, be in tune with my favorite self and give myself space to accomplish these things. So if you're curious and you want to learn more about magical Mei you can visit Kaylee and elise.com and if you're getting that intuitive nudge to join. Again, it's $444 ours to sign up, you can sign up today. If you're listening to this and you're like a few days behind, just make sure you sign up before May 1 so that you can be with us on the first call. And I'm so excited to welcome you into magical May. All right, my friend here is what I want you to know. You are doing so well. You are guided on the path to your desires. So Stay curious. Watch for magic. Keep listening to your intuition. Play with trusting the beautiful wisdom you receive. And when you act, let inspiration and magic flow through you even in the smallest ways. Thank you so much for listening. Is it Kaileen elise.com For links and notes from today's episode. Connect with me on Instagram. I'm at Kaileen Elise. Please share this pod with anyone who could use a little extra magic in their everyday life. Stay tuned for the next episode. I'll talk to you then.

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About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three. Before learning to listen to my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm.

This practice has changed everything. It’s helped me heal old wounds, navigate daily dramas, manifest magic, and live with a deep sense of inner peace. That's why I became a coach — to help others access intuition, trust what they hear, and act from there.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Unlocking the Life-Changing Magic of Intuition


Guided Meditation for the Spring Season