Finding Alignment with Yourself

What does it mean to be in alignment? Today’s episode explores this question and shares 4 ways to find alignment with yourself. This is the final episode of 2020 and Season Two! I hope it brings you a bit of empowerment and ease around alignment. Friend, you don’t have to struggle and strive to get into flow.

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Alignment Matters

I really love this quote from Wayne Dyer about alignment.

“Deep within, you know that the only thing that is truly important is being in alignment with spirit.”

What Does It Mean to Be In Alignment?

When I searched for the definition for alignment, the first one that came up is, “arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions.” That’s not really what we’re talking about here.

The other definition I found is, “a position of agreement or alliance.”

That’s more of where Wayne Dyer was pointing and it’s certainly what I’m anchoring to. This idea of having agreement or alliance between the many different parts of me, my mind, my heart, my intuition, my business, my family, my hobbies, the food I eat, how I sleep, my exercise, the way I spent my time, the way I feel. I want to feel aligned and be in alignment. 

Where there isn’t alignment, I want to let go and allow. I’m looking for simple and easy things I can do that will put me on the path towards alignment.

What does it mean to be in alignment? Today’s episode explores this question and shares 4 ways to find alignment with yourself. This is the final episode of 2020 and Season Two! I hope it brings you a bit of empowerment and ease around alignment. Fr…

Why Alignment is Important

It helps cultivate that sense of flow and ease that we so often seek. When we’re in alignment, action becomes much easier. Less uphill.

When you’re acting from a place of alignment, you are connected with your intuition. You’re acting in a way that’s connected to your instincts. You trust yourself without a lot of second-guessing. Without effort.

Without alignment, you’re going to feel disconnected and dissatisfied with life. Even when it’s good!

The Alignment Trap

The ideas I’m going to share will help you find alignment in a way that’s easy and can fit within your life. But before I tell you what they are, I want to caution you about one thing… The Alignment Trap.

The Alignment Trap is this idea that you have to have to be in alignment before taking any action. When you fall into the alignment trap, you spend all your time, effort, energy, and even a lot your “worrying” on accessing alignment.

Before you do anything, you seek alignment. And you get stuck in an alignment spiral where the pursuit of alignment becomes its own method of procrastination.

Finding Alignment in Action

Rather than making alignment a mystical and mythical thing, I suggest you try to find alignment in action. If you’re in the December Retreat, this might sound familiar. Finding alignment and flow in the present moment is the guided ritual for this week...

Use your breath to guide you. As you inhale, draw your awareness inward. As you exhale, release tension, thoughts, and anything that feels heavy. Stay with it. Keep breathing.

You can align your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul in almost any scenario. Loosen your grip on expectations, worry, timelines, and possibilities.

Wash the dishes. Fold the laundry. Make the phone call. Answer the email. Make the appointment. Find alignment in action.

4 Ways to Find Alignment with Yourself

1. Seek Satisfaction. Use your senses to tune into what feels satisfying and good to you. Look for beauty. Listen to music that soothes or inspires you. Recognize smells that please you. Taste delicious things and really savor them. Notice when you touch something that feels nice. 

2. Dive Into Appreciation. From that place of satisfaction, dive into appreciation. When your senses are delighted, it is much easier to find appreciation in your life. And once you are there, really dive in. Let yourself swim around. Sink into for awhile. Consider, what else can you do to appreciate more?

3. Drop Comparison. One of the biggest ways to snap out of alignment is to compare your life, your business, your kids, your looks, anything… because when you are comparing, you are only looking at the best of someone else and the worst of you. There is very little room for comparison when you’re truly in alignment.

4. Listen to your intuition. Journal. Meditation. Walk around the block. Connect to your inner wisdom in the shower. Book an intuition coaching session with me. Connecting to your intuition will absolutely help you find alignment with yourself… because your intuition is YOU. It’s the truest, wisest, highest vibe part of you… and it’s also probably the gentlest part!

Begin 2021 In Alignment 

If you’re a business owner and you want to start 2021 in alignment, check out my friend Christy Lepley’s Ambitious Soul 2021 Business Reset. She is a social media and business coach who helps women feel aligned and empowered to sell online.

Her 6-Week Coaching Program includes a 55-minute intuition session with me to release any mental blocks that could be holding you back. Visit to sign up.

Community Zoom Today, Tues 12/29

I’m hosting a live Zoom call tonight at 7pm Central. We’re going to release the old. Call in the new. There will be ceremony, connection, and space to share. This was only available for retreat participants, but I’ve opened it up to anyone who feels called to join. It’s $22 to attend. Email to sign up.

“Deep within, you know that the only thing that is truly important is being in alignment with spirit.” (Wayne Dyer) | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Syuhei Inoue


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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