Full Moon Guide For Beginners

Learn all about the full moon and how practicing rituals on the full moon can support you. Gather ideas for full moon rituals and inspiration for creating your own.

How to Start Connecting with the Moon Cycles

The moon is this wonderful, magical force. It’s a constant in that it’s always there, even when we can’t see it. Paying attention to the moon’s cycles can be a powerful practice. Use this as a starting place and then paint your own path. Let’s explore what feels good and right and true together.

When you’re ready to start connecting with the moon cycles, do this:

  • Look up to the sky. Pay attention to when there is a new moon or a full moon.

  • Notice how you feel and what feels good for you in terms of following the moon.

The Science and Woo of the Full Moon

We see the full moon from Earth when one side of the moon is fully illuminated.

This happens when the sun, earth, and moon are lined up, with the earth in the middle. Even though it seems like the moon is shining down on us, the moon itself is “just a rock” and does not emit light.

The moon appears to change shape as the positions of the earth, sun, and moon shift relative to each other. The changing illumination occurs in a cyclical manner, which means that you get to see a full moon about every 29 days, or roughly once a month. This is known as the lunar cycle.

This lunar cycle is slightly less than the length of a calendar month, so every once in a while we get two full moons in the same month. We call that second monthly full moon a blue moon, and it happens once every two to three years. This is where the term 'once in a blue moon' to refer to something uncommon comes from.

Some believe the energy of the moon phases alternate between yang or “action” energy and yin or “restful” energy.  People also connect the moon phases and the menstrual phases — the average menstrual cycle is right around 28–29 days as well. As you cultivate your full moon awareness and supportive practices, you may learn you also have your own natural energy cycles you can tap into.

Ideas for Creating Your Own Full Moon Rituals

As you cultivate your full moon rituals, choose what supports you on your journey. There are no rules, the moon is a natural reminder of how things change, evolve, and also remain constant. Do whatever feels nourishing and good.

Create your own full moon rituals, using these ideas to spark inspiration:

Say hello to healing waaaaay below the surface.

You’ve spent way too much time and money trying to “self-improve” when what you really want is to feel content.

Take an hour to integrate your past lives, all while finding more peace in this life. (No spooky stuff needed.)

Stop and ask yourself: how would life change if you could wake up feeling at peace?

How to Prepare for Your Full Moon Rituals

  • Choose the right time and space

  • Decide how much time you’ll dedicate to your ritual

  • Gather the materials you need (candles, journal, crystals, etc.)

More moon resources and rituals

Embrace moon energy to receive abundance, stress less, and align with the natural cycles in nature. Take a peek at The Moon Rituals Collection for more podcast episodes and articles about living with the moon.

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Keep Reading for More Inspiration

Full Moon Energy and Rituals for Business

Learn all about full moon energy and how to harness it in your work. I’m sharing four full moon rituals for business, plus my favorite resources for working with the lunar cycles.

About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.

Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.

That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Navigating Frustration and Finding Flow


Inner Voice Journaling