Using Intuition to Make Decisions

Learn how to use your intuition to make aligned decisions. I’m answering one of the biggest questions I get about intuition and offering 4 journal prompts for deepening your intuitive connection.

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Learn how to use your intuition to make aligned decisions. I’m answering one of the biggest questions I get about intuition and offering 4 journal prompts for deepening your intuitive connection. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate podcast with Kaileen …

I start today’s episode by sharing about what’s next for the Ease In Oracle Emails. Read more on the blog:

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How Do I Know I’m Hearing My Intuition?

I get this question a lot. Here are five things to help you determine if you’re hearing your intuition or something else:

  1. How does it feel?

  2. Where is it coming from?

  3. Ask, is this intuition?

  4. Wait. Listen for what comes next.

  5. Ask for a sign.

Use Your Intuition to Make Decisions on Small, Everyday Things

  • What to cook for dinner

  • What to watch next

  • How to spend the next 20 minutes

  • What to wear today

  • Which self care thing to do

Look at Your Decisions from a New Perspective

  • Take yourself beyond the situation for a moment

  • Recognize how you would typically react

  • Now pause and sink deeper into your intuition

  • Ask, “What do I need? What should I do?” 

  • Just listen, you don’t have to do anything just yet..

  • Your answer might be soft or subtle. Stay there and see if you can get a bit more.

  • Once you have it, go into that objective / separate viewpoint. Persona vs. IV.

  • Take a leap. Play with it. Give yourself deadlines.

Deepen Your Intuitive Connection with These 4 Journal Prompts

If I acted from my intuition more, I would ________.

One thing that’s stopping me from trusting my instincts is ________.

When I get really quiet and listen, my inner voice tells me ________.

A fun, low-stakes thing I can play with intuition on is ________.

Play with Using Your Intuition to Make Decisions

Let it be light and fun. You don’t have to take on the deepest, darkest hard things. Those will come in time and you’ll be ready when they do.

If you’re looking for support, I’d love to work with you. Click here to explore the coaching sessions. Here’s a testimonial from one of my clients, Meredith. 

“Kaileen provided wonderful support as I connected to my inner voice. She made me feel safe and confident to quickly drop into my heart and out of the chatter in my mind. I felt safe, at ease, integrated, and comforted — all from within — in one short session. I highly recommend scheduling a session with Kaileen.”

Ready to start trusting yourself?


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Micheile Henderson


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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