Connecting to Inner Wisdom with Nicole Perkins
Nicole Perkins is an inner voice coach who helps her clients uncover their authentic magic. Nicole and I chat about rituals, energy, and embracing the unknown. Nicole shares how this year catapulted her from being a middle school teacher to a whole new career. This conversation is filled with ideas and inspiration for connecting to inner wisdom.
Today I have with me Nicole Perkins. You might recognize her if you caught the episodes about inner voice last season… if you haven't listened to those yet, you totally should!
Episode 11: Do You Talk to Your Inner Voice?
Episode 12: What I Learned During My Inner Voice Session
Nicole has the unique ability to call in her cosmic family, awaken them to their true selves, and use their power to remember that they are co-creators of the Universe.
All of her clients have the ability to channel, tap into their Inner Voice, Higher Self, or both. She believes that this is the secret to discovering your inner power and creating the life that you desire. And yes, ALL people have this capability.
Nicole makes me think, she makes me laugh, and I so appreciate the way my soul feels recognized by the content she puts out.
Follow her on Instagram: @nicole_perkins_
Visit her website:
What Do You Mean Extraterrestrial?
Nicole and I begin our conversation talking about multidimensional beings, channeling, and extraterrestrials.
Esther Hicks channels Abraham Hicks, “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension.” Visit to learn more and explore.
Bashar is a channeled extraterrestrial entity by Darryl Anka. Visit or follow on Instagram @basharchanneling.
I also share my middle-school love for the 1997 movie, Contact, with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey.
“The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?”
What is the Inner Voice?
When I asked Nicole this question, she shared some possible labels for the inner voice. You can call it your Higher Self or True Self. Your inner voice is the God-version of you. It’s the part of you that’s always connected to source and always feels safe. It’s the true essence of who we all are.
Nicole and I both learned about the Inner Voice through Bella Lively (Jess Lively).Find on Instagram @bellalivelyworld and visit her website for more.
This post was updated on June 18, 2024
I joined IVFT in the fall of 2020 and became a full-time intuition coach at the beginning of 2021. I had no idea how life-changing Inner Voice Facilitator Training with Bella Lively would be! To learn more about my experience with IVFT, explore The IVFT Collection. To learn more about working with me click here.
Rituals and Rhythms that Support Intuition
Nicole’s currently taking Dr. Joe Dispenza’s workshop and meditating for 25 minutes every morning, with a focus on getting into the body of who she wants to become. Other favorite rituals include:
Talking to her inner voice and asking questions
Pulling tarot cards and watching pick-a-reading videos on YouTube
Lighting a candle
Self-coaching throughout the day
On Energy, Boundaries, and Negative Emotions
Nicole and I talked about protecting your energy when working with clients. I love what Nicole shares about being truly protected and tuning into her inner voice whenever she feels wobbly.
Establishing practical boundaries around scheduling, email, social media, etc. is just as important as protecting your energy. The two practices go hand in hand.
Nicole also shares a few self-coaching strategies when negative thoughts and emotions arise. Give these a try the next time something comes up for you. Pause for a moment and ask your inner voice,
What’s a different thought you want instead?
What’s the truth here in this situation?
Having a daily practice gets you into a habit of self-coaching and self-correcting. You’re not aiming for perfection, this is a lifelong process.
Celebrating the Good in 2020
This year has catapulted Nicole from being a middle school teacher to a full-time inner voice coach. In March and April she really focused on what she wanted and applied everything she’s learned the past few years. Now she’s in a completely new career and running with it!
Navigating Change and Flowing with the Unknown
Yes, Nicole is human and change is hard for her brain too! She reveals her approach to easing the mind’s struggle with change. She finds evidence of when change has been a good thing and has worked in her favor. Nicole also shares about how she’s in a place now when the unknown feels good and sparkly vs. scary.
On Creativity and Creating Magic
Nicole’s inner voice and creative expression are very intertwined. She has so much fun and really lets her inner voice lead the way on what she shares online.
Stay tuned for Nicole’s next creative expression! She’s currently in the process of integrating all that she’s learning from the Joe Dispenza workshop and creating the next level of her channeled coaching for 2021.
Magic comes up for Nicole when she’s in session with her inner voice clients. I love what Nicole shared from a recent session about faith and the love we all have access to through the inner voice!
Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast
Keep Reading for More Inspiration
Evolving as a Mother and as an Inner Voice Coach on The Lively Show
After being an avid listener for 444 episodes, I’m on The Lively Show! Bella and I talk about my journey with Inner Voice Facilitator Training and how listening to my inner voice has impacted my life, motherhood, and career as an intuition coach.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.