Creating for Yourself with Angela Doran

Angela Doran is a lifestyle photographer who’s always looking for light and magic. Listen in as Angela and I discuss the importance of rituals, self-care, and creating for yourself.

Our conversation also gets into some common misconceptions about meditation and manifestation. (Hint: they don’t have to look a certain way!) Angela reveals a secret about her creative process... and shares the exciting news that she's teaching at The Family Narrative’s Homeschool(ed) in February 2021.

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Today I have with me Angela Doran. I first met Angela through Instagram five years ago. I was looking for a photographer to take some pictures of us for a baby announcement when I was pregnant with Owen.

Fast forward to now, Angela is a dear friend. She even met both of my babies before anyone else because she came to the hospital to take their photos right after they were born!

Angela was born in West Texas and currently resides in the wonderful city of Austin. She is in her 7th year of building a successful lifestyle photography business. Her titles range from daughter, sister, and wife to business owner and her most meaningful: Mother, to an incredible 11-year-old.

She lives to be in nature with the people she loves, getting deep about life. Angela is a rule-breaker and a rebel, and she’s not afraid to break the silence for the unheard. She is passionate about social justice... and sensitivity is her superpower.

I admire Angela for the way she shows up online and IRL. I truly love the way she shares about motherhood, creativity, and business. She’s seriously one of my expanders in so many ways!

Keep reading for all the details + links from my Convo with Angela

Creating for Yourself with Lifestyle Photographer Angela Doran | Listen on the Celebrate Cultivate podcast!

Rituals and Rhythms

We talked about some of Angela’s rituals and rhythms when it comes to her work and everyday life. A few of her favorites include:

  • Creating for her (and not just for clients) is sacred

  • Spending time in nature + grounding with feet on the earth

  • Moving her body: evening walks, sweaty exercise, and “embodiment” dancing  

  • Making self-care a priority, one of her quickest way to calm is through water

Meditation and Manifestation

When I asked Angela if there were any rituals or practices she’d like to do more of, she said meditation and manifestation. Have you ever felt like you needed to do either of those more?

I questioned this collective belief that meditation has to be a certain way: butt in seat, completely serene, for twenty minutes, twice a day. This just isn’t true! The conversation we have about it illuminated light bulbs for both of us.

When it comes to manifesting, instead of adding it to your to-do list, try looking for evidence when things have flowed your way. I shared a fun story about manifesting a sample of Vintner’s Daughter recently.

We are manifesting all the time, my friends. Sometimes all we need to do is celebrate when it happens.

Celebrating the Good in 2020 

This year has been challenging and different from all of our expectations. When I asked Angela what she wants to celebrate about this year she said the gift of time with her 11-year-old son, Kingston. This is why I love to have a peek inside her motherhood journey. She is definitely a role model for me!

A few more things Angela is celebrating…

She’s super excited to be a teacher for The Family Narrative Homeschool[ed] virtual retreat in February! Click here to learn more and use the code DORANTFN for $25 off when you sign up. Photographers, this seems like such an amazing opportunity!

Angela and her family bought a new home and are moving. So that’s very exciting!

Let’s All Vote, Okay?

Angela and I talked about how there are so many causes and concerns out there, but right now the number one topic is VOTING. Do you have a plan for early voting? Talk to your neighbors, friends, and family about voting. It’s important, y’all.

Creativity + Magic

One of my favorite parts of our conversation was about Angela’s creative process. She shared something that really shifted my perspective on what it means to create. We don’t always need a ton of time or an elaborate setup. Angela’s photography is living proof.

  • Her best captures usually happen in the first 5-10 minutes

  • She sets her camera on the ground or a stack of books

When I asked Angela, “How does the magic in everyday life show up for you?” She told us about her practice of noticing. It was beautiful to hear her explain this process and I cannot wait to give it a try. (And let’s also acknowledge this as another example of Angela meditating in her own way!)

“Personal projects are a way for me to process life and what’s happening in my world at any given time.“ (Angela Doran) | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


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