Tuning Into Your Emotional Body with Rachel Crethar

Rachel Crethar is a hypnotherapist who offers healing support through RTT, workshops, and crystals. Listen as Rachel and I talk about rituals, creativity, magic, and energy. Rachel shares the lesson she's learned this year around rest and asking for help. This conversation is filled with little gems and reminders to tune into our inner wisdom.

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I met Rachel on Instagram and I’ve been in her DMs for years now. I’ve done two RTT sessions with her and both experiences were transformative. Hypnotherapy has been a really powerful tool for me and Rachel’s approach is extra magical.

Rachel started her online crystal shop Rock & Co in 2016 while juggling two kids and a career in advertising. Rachel was guided by a strong ‘knowing’ after a chance encounter with a piece of citrine. Her intuition served her well, with Rock & Co growing rapidly.

In 2017, she left the advertising world to focus on Rock & Co and her growing work within the healing space. Rachel hosted regular workshops and events across Australia and New Zealand, educating and empowering people to harness the healing power of crystals within their own lives.

In 2018, inspired by her love of healing and fascination with how the subconscious can create our reality, Rachel completed her studies to become a certified hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational (RTT) Therapist.

Rachel has such a kind, beautiful spirit and I love the way she shares online. Every time I connect with her I feel uplifted and expanded. Beyond that, I’ve experienced some true healing through her RTT sessions. So, I personally appreciate that she left the stability and structure of her advertising career to pursue the world of magic, woo, and healing.

Keep reading for all the details + links from my convo with Rachel

Tuning Into Your Emotional Body with Rachel Crethar | Listen on the Celebrate Cultivate podcast!

How Did You Get Into RTT… and What Is It?

Rachel explains how she was interested in human psychology, behavior, and healing through her career in marketing strategy. She knew she wanted to study something in the healing arts and at the eleventh hour, she got a gut feeling to join Marisa Peer’s RTT Training in Sydney.

Rapid Transformational Therapy combines techniques from NLP, CBT, and hypnosis. Rachel loves how RTT goes beyond rationalizing and into the root cause or “the why” behind a concern. And then it works to rewire the subconscious mind to create great, lasting change.

Rituals and Rhythms

Rachel has some amazing practices to help her feel grounded before working with clients:

  • Listening to music and dancing to get into her body

  • Burning palo santo and sandalwood to announce the session is opening

  • Setting her feet on a large piece of selenite

  • Calling in her angels + guides to support her, as well as her client’s angels + guides to support them

Rachel also has a beautiful letting go ritual after a session where she lays down in the grass with her back resting on the ground, releasing everything back to the earth.

A few of Rachel’s everyday rituals include:

  • Waking up at 5:30 am to meditate for 20 minutes before her children are up

  • Practicing with self-hypnosis and affirmations/mantras around what she’s working on or releasing.

  • Pulling tarot cards for each month of the year + plan calendar accordingly. (Here are mine for 2020.)

Want to give one of Rachel’s mantras a try? Look yourself in the mirror and say,

“Every day, in every way, I am doing better.”

Listening to Our Emotions

Rachel and I talk about perfection, expression, and normalizing emotions. I love what Rachel shares about how we’ve been taught to label emotions as “good” or “bad” when they’re actually important signs from our emotional body.

Think about it… how would your life look if you tuned into your emotional body as often as you checked in with your physical body?

What Do You Want to Celebrate About 2020? 

Rachel talked about how this year has taught her about rest, integration, and surrender in a whole new way. I especially connected with her explanation about how she’s put all that she’s learned over the years and really put it into practice this year.

Talking about 2020 led to a great conversation about work, the stories we tell ourselves, and the importance of having support systems in place. It made me think about where I personally can ask for help in the future and how “doing it all on my own” is a story I can put down too.

Change Can Be Fast, Rapid, and Easy

Rachel shares that change doesn’t have to be difficult. It is a process, of course, but it really depends on the situation. She offes great insight on the evolution of the lessons we learn throughout life and how those lessons change as we grow.

Creativity + Magic

Aesthetics have always been important to Rachel. From clothes and fabrics, to her home and social media presence, she’s always wanting things to feel beautiful. Rachel says creativity is how you do everything, which totally resonates with me.

Rachel mentioned that she recently worked through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. She also uses the practice of future-pacing and leaning into her “future self” when it comes to creativity. 

Her creative process involves jotting down down on post-its and pieces of paper as they flow to her. She also finds that ideas come in the shower or when she’s driving… dropping into those brainwave states where there’s no resistance is a pathway to magic for her.

Subscribe to her newsletter + stay tuned for the upcoming collaboration Rachel’s working on! 

One of my favorite parts of the interview was when Rachel said, “I have an attitude that life is always working out for me.” She said that she’s always cultivating that attitude and looking for confirmation to prove that belief.

“Getting into the practice of tuning into your emotional body, just like you would your physical body, is something really important for all of us.” (Rachel Crethar) | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography courtesy of Rachel Crethar


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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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