Welcome 2011!

key in door

Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live. (Goethe)

Today marks the first day of my new year. I let these past two days be a transition—to mourn the end of 2010 and celebrate the start of 2011.

Being part of the amazing & sparkly Reverb 10 HQ consumed my online life at the end of the year. It was a heart-project, a labor of love. An experience in giving back to this community—something I plan to continue in the future. Thanks to those of you who supported our journey together.

It feels good to be excited for my morning commute. I'm looking forward to my cup of coffee and the usual 8:00 am meeting. It's time to return to my routine. After 8 days of travel from NC to OH to CA, I'm happy to get back to my Filofax and to-do lists.

Looking back, 2010 was a really quick year. It felt as though I never quite caught my breath, but enough dwelling on the past. (You can sift through the archives if you'd like a reminder of where I was a year ago.)

It's time to greet 2011 with open and loving arms!

This week I'm setting the expectation to have very few expectations. I'm starting my training program today with a 2-mile run and heading to the grocery store to stock up on healthy goodies. I'm hoping to get some cleaning and laundry done. I plan to sort through my finances and pretty new excel file. As a bonus, I'd love to catch up with all of the inspirational goodness sitting in my Google reader.

How are you starting this year—are you off with a bang or easing into it? I would love to know! Is there a word that you're using as a touchstone for 2011? Mine is serendipity.

Image Credit: Kaleidoscope Eyes via We ♥ It

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Treading Water, Climbing a Mountain


Reverb 10.19 A Little Piece